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Get to know Uranos, Grandpa Thanos & the Strongest Eternal in Marvel!

Of the many big bad Marvel villains, Thanos is known as a very scary evil figure. However, when compared to his grandfather, Uranos the Undying, it turns out that this Mad Titan is still nothing. In Marvel’s latest saga that reintroduced the character, it was revealed that Uranos is the deadliest Eternal in the universe. Where its existence is considered the most terrible threat to Earth and other planets. Who exactly is Uranos? And why is he so feared? Check out the discussion below, Geeks.

Thanos’ Grandpa Who Was Feared in the Marvel Universe

First time making his debut in comics What If? #24 (1980), Uranos is described as Marvel’s first Eternal along with his two brothers Kronos and Oceanus, who was created by the Celestials around 1 million years ago. Like the other Eternals that were created afterward, Uronos was actually given the task by the Celestials to eradicate the Deviants from the face of the Earth. However, due to his arrogant nature, he felt that it would be better if the humans were also destroyed by him. Because Kronos and Oceanus strongly opposed the idea, eventually a civil war between the Eternals broke out.

After more than four decades of not being discussed, comics Eternals: The Heretics (2022) finally returns to mentioning the story of the Eternal civil war involving Uranos. Where in this more complete story it is told that Uranos was betrayed by his grandson named Druig. So that Kronos and Oceanus managed to catch him and lock him up in Exclusion, making Uranos the first prisoner in the Eternal prison. About 500 thousand years later, after Thanos succeeded in becoming Prime Eternal, Druig tried to introduce the Mad Titan to Uranos.

Since Thanos is the direct grandson of Kronos, you could say he is the ‘side’ grandson of Uranos as well. Moreover, in terms of physique and ambition, Thanos is actually more similar to Uranos than Kronos. At their first meeting at Exclusion, Uranos, who sensed Thanos’ potential, decided to give him an important key that could release him to Earth in about an hour. So that Thanos has the opportunity to destroy the Eternal Earth base called The Machine. Even if Thanos wanted to, he could also use Uranos to destroy other Marvel planets.

The Strongest Eternal That Never Dies

In Marvel history, since Uranos was first created until he was finally locked up in Exclusion, he has never died. That is why other Eternals call Uranos as ‘The Undying’ which means eternal. The reason why Uranos never died was not because he was trapped in Exclusion, but because he was indeed said to be the strongest Eternal in history. Besides being able to fly and also having super physical strength like other Eternals, Uranos can also shoot lasers from his eyes and shoot energy blasts from his chest.

What’s worse, if he comes out of Exclusion, Uranos can use weapons of mass destruction that are located in the core of the Earth. Where he can call him from anywhere and whenever he wants. This weapon is predicted to be able to wipe out tens of thousands of lives with just one shot. Without this weapon of mass destruction, Uranos himself was actually strong enough to destroy most of the Deviant civilizations in Lemuria in the past. So we can imagine how terrifying it would be if Uranos came out and used all of his weapons.

Become a Weapon of Mass Destruction on Earth

As mentioned above, Uranos has the ability to summon and use weapons of mass destruction when he comes out of Exclusion. And the first person who holds the key to freeing Uranos for an hour is Thanos. Unfortunately, before the Mad Titan could use it, he was overthrown by Druig who eventually became the Prime Eternal and used the key to attack Arrako, home of the mutants on Mars. The story of Uranos’ emergence has just been told in Marvel’s new comic, AXE: Judgment Day (2022).

With only 0.003% of the power of its weapons of mass destruction, Uranos managed to kill 11,553 mutants in 30 seconds. Long story short, when Druig was about to ‘use’ Uranos for the second time, Iron Man managed to hack his weapon, giving Magneto and Storm the chance to defeat Uranos. The defeat finally sent Uranos back to being locked up in Exclusion, but this time he was accompanied by his grandson Druig who he thought would be a very fun toy.

As a form of Eternal’s apology to the mutants, Eternal Zuras finally gave Storm the key to release Uranos. So that one day the mutants can use Uranos for an hour for their needs. This indirectly makes Earth a little more relieved, because now at least those who can release Uranos aren’t bad people like before.

That’s the discussion about the figure of Uranos, Thanos and Druig’s grandfather who is the most terrible threat in the Marvel Universe. Even though his story isn’t as big as other Eternals, based on his brief appearance, Uranos deserves to be called the strongest Eternal. Even to defeat him requires the combined strength of two omega-level mutants and one of the smartest Avengers on Earth. We can imagine if he had the chance to wander the galaxy like Thanos, maybe Uranos has the potential to become one of Marvel’s strongest big bad villains in history.