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7 Levels Evolution Gun AN94 FF, Evil Howler Free Fire!

Free Fire has released a lot of the latest updates for you to try to play with so much fun. Then take a look at the AN94 FF Evolution Gun Level, in order to provide a good game so that you will know it soon. So that Free Fire players are also interested in having the AN94 Evolution Gun which has appeared now.

Providing the best developments to make the Free Fire game even better, making you even better at fighting. Moreover, to make you even cooler, so that we will soon find out all the latest things from here.

Like the latest appearance of the Evolution Gun Free Fire Feature, it becomes something strong and has good effects for us to use. Facing enemies will become bigger so we can use it, becoming something new for you to use so easily later.

Moreover, the emergence of the AN94 FF Evolution Gun Level, Free Fire players will find this cool Evil Howler skin. Give great strength to fight many enemies at once, so that you will face enemies so easily when you face them.

Level Evolution Gun AN94 Free Fire (FF)

The presence of an AN94 Free Fire Evolution Gun is something powerful, even surprising many players because it is unexpected. Because indeed the appearance of the Evolution Gun will become even stronger by bringing an Evil Howler or Roar of death theme.

Evolution Gun Level AN94 FF, Evil Howler Free Fire!

The AN94 Evolution Gun skin itself does bring a theme as a skull with an evil aura, even deadly to use. It will indeed create great resistance and strength, so we will also give a cool appearance from a Skin like this.

Not to mention when using the AN94 Evil Howler Skin, it will definitely make you have a huge increase in strength. So that we also face many enemies too, because every time they are defeated, they will immediately be absorbed by that power.

Therefore, it was you who raised the AN94 Evolution Gun Level which we can indeed know now. Of course that way, when we use this skin it will look very good to face many enemies and take their souls when they lose.

Following are the Levels of Evolution Gun AN94 in Free Fire which can be immediately upgraded to become even stronger and form its original form:

Level 1

Is Level 1 which is inherited from the initial form that does not have major changes. At Level 1, players will receive the AN94 Evil Howler itself, which has great strength, so that it will make the game even stronger for the first level like this.

Have an Evil Aura that you will use in battle, making it even stronger in the face of its enemies. However, in Esports I see that the potential for Level 1 is very bad, even from the statistics, which you really have to pay attention to first.

  • Damage +
  • Rate of Fire +
  • accuracy —

Of course, with this lacking Accuracy Statistics, it makes the weapon less comfortable for us to use with the skin. So as much as possible, you really have to raise it to Level 2 as minimum as possible, so you can receive the Evil Howler which is far deadlier.

Level 2 ( 30 Evil Eye Tokens )

You need 30 Evil Eye Tokens to be able to raise it to Level 2 so you can receive changes and additional attributes that are so good. At Level 2 Evolution Gun AN94, players will receive the latest Stat changes where Accuracy is now “-” from the beginning it was “–“.

Then when you reach this level too, the AN94 Evil Howler will receive a Red Kill Notification Effect. Of course it’s something good to show other players that we as owners of really cool skins like this.

Evolution Gun AN94 Free Fire level is Level 3 ( 60 Evil Eye Tokens )

When increasing Level 3 you need 60 Evil Eye Tokens, because that will increase his ability in battle. At this level, you also have abilities that cannot be underestimated at all, because the shape of this skin has really appeared.

The shape itself is quite diverse, so if you use it it looks really cool for you to use. Especially for the Soul Aura that comes out of the Weapon and there is also a large Skeleton that we can really use very strongly.

Level 4 ( 120 Evil Eye Tokens )

Evolution Gun Level AN94 FF, Evil Howler Free Fire!

Reaching Level 4 requires 120 Evil Eye Tokens which you will indeed know, so you will also know their abilities. Of course, the ability of this weapon will have a very large increase, so we also receive a new shot effect that is shaped like a skull.

Not to mention that when you improve this weapon, it turns out that it will provide additional statistics that are great for you to put to good use. An increase in the Rate of Fire to ++ which of course will make the AN94 Evil Howler Skin even stronger and deadlier.

Level 5 ( 240 Evil Eye Tokens )

The increase that occurs for Level 5 is 240 Evil Eye Token which we will indeed use with something even stronger. When you raise level 5, then receive a Kill Effect that takes the enemy’s soul with an aura of darkness and is destroyed.

Then you will also receive a shot effect that emits a purple aura of death, making it something good. Making this skin even more precise and we can use it, so those of you who use it can produce such powerful attacks.

Evolution Gun AN94 Free Fire level is Level 6 ( 400 Evil Eye Token )

In the skull that happened to the AN94 Skin Evolution Gun, we will find out that the addition of strength is so great. So that those of you who use it in battle, this will also show a Skeleton Skin that appears Horns with an Aura of darkness that is getting stronger.

Not to mention the increased attack capabilities, the Skills on this Evolution Gun are something good for us to use. Because when the enemy’s HP is at a certain point, we can give extra damage which is very painful.

Level 7 ( 600 Evil Eye Tokens )

Evolution Gun Level AN94 FF, Evil Howler Free Fire!

This is the last upgrade that requires 600 Evil Tokens that you will use, of course it has great power. At this last level we will reach the final level and also have a large enough form of change, so we will also emit a very large death aura.

Together with the right abilities, so you will see the Aura of its strength will become even more dangerous. Then you will get a special Emote from the AN94 Evolution Skin which will look really cool for you to use.

Great power after you see the powerful AN94 Evolution Skin, the Evil Howler will devour all enemies with great power. Creating the battle that will be fought by you guys will surely be something we can use for battle.

To see all the Levels of the Evolution Gun AN94 FF, Free Fire players can immediately become something good for us to use. Surely that way the player will become something big, so that you will be interested and make the Evil Howler Free Fire skin look good.

When you want to have it, you have to know the Total Price and Diamond Evolution AN94 Free Fire, it really looks really cool. Of course it will provide great ability to face enemies, then we are ready to show which weapon skin is like this.