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Get to know Black Marvel, Black Adam's Super Family in the DC Universe!

Black Adam is a DC antihero whose name has recently been quite popular among fans. Because he just made his debut live action-it’s in the movie Black Adams, which is part of the DCEU cinema universe. Besides Black Adam, the film will also mark the debut of his family from DC Comics. Namely Adrianna Tomaz and her son Amon Tomaz. Interestingly, the appearance of these three characters has indirectly reminded fans of the Black Marvel team in the DC Universe.

Basically the Black Marvel Family itself is similar to the Marvel Family, the super family of Billy Batson aka Shazam who had already debuted in the DCEU. The difference is, Black Marvel is a super family team that was founded and led directly by the antihero Black Adam. Given that Adam is currently at the peak of his popularity, there’s nothing wrong with discussing who the Black Marvel Family really is and what it’s like in the DC Universe.

Founded To Protect Kahnaq

Black Marvel Family is one of DC’s efforts to change the status of Black Adam who was previously famous as a supervillain into a new superhero in the DC Universe. The story starts in the comics 52 #11 (2006), where Adam is busy building the Kahndaq empire in the modern era with his wife Adrianna Tomaz. In the midst of his activities as king and Adrianna’s husband, Adam took his wife to the Rock of Eternity. It turns out that he intended to ask Captain Marvel, who had just replaced the wizard Shazam as guardian, to give Adrianna super powers.

Getting to know Black Marvel, Black Adam's Super Family in the DC Universe!, Greenscene

He made this request because he thought Kahnaq needed more heroes like him. After seeing Adrianna’s eligibility, Captain Marvel then granted Adam’s request by giving him the power of Isis. With this new power, Isis and Adam then left Kahndaq to look for his missing sister, Amon. Long story short, they both managed to save Amon from the Intergang criminal group. It was at this point that Adam then ‘shared’ his power with Amon so that they could jointly protect Kahndaq.

Over time, their little family eventually became more famous as the Black Marvel Family. Because the composition of its members and its goals are more or less the same as the Marvel Family. Namely, wanting to eliminate oppression on Earth, the difference is that Black Marvel is more focused on developing countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. This is where fans finally began to accept Black Adam who was originally famous as a ruthless supervillain, became a superhero with his Black Marvel family.

The Greatness of the Black Marvel Family Members

As we mentioned above, the main goal of the Black Marvel Family is to ensure the stability of Kahnaq and the surrounding countries with their superpowers. Interestingly, the strengths of each member of Black Marvel are somewhat complementary. As a leader, of course, Black Adam holds the key to Black Marvel’s main strength. Where he has the super stamina of the god Shu, the super speed of the god Heru, the super strength of the god Amon, the intelligence of the god Zehuti, the lightning power of the god Aton, and the invulnerability of the god Mehen.

Getting to know Black Marvel, Black Adam's Super Family in the DC Universe!, Greenscene

While Black Adam’s powers are more offensive, Isis has more defensive powers. Where his strength is more focused on healing and the elements of nature. Such as manipulating water, wind, fire, earth, electricity, plants, and even the weather. With this power Isis will usually heal people who are sick or control nature so that plantations, agriculture, and agriculture remain fertile. On the other hand, with the same strength as Adam, Amon alias Osiris always accompanied and looked after his sister Isis, when Black Adam was not in Kahndaq.

Black Marvel’s Fate Now

Although the Black Marvel Family team has succeeded in proving that Black Adam is no longer evil, unfortunately the fate of this super family does not last long in the DC Universe. It all started with America, which still saw Black Adam as a terrorist. They deliberately ordered Amanda Waller from ARGUS aka Task Force X to make propaganda so that Adam and Kahnaq were bad in the eyes of the world. In the process, in the comics 52 #24, Amanda recruits Atom Smasher to form the Suicide Squad. Which consists of Captain Boomerang, Count Vertigo, Electrocutioner, Persuader, and Plastique.

Getting to know Black Marvel, Black Adam's Super Family in the DC Universe!, Greenscene

When the Suicide Squad attacks Kahndaq, it turns out that Black Adam is not in his country. But instead of stopping, Persuader threatened Isis. Seeing this, a frightened Osiris was forced to kill him, causing the entire Suicide Squad team to retreat. It was at this point that Amanda used the footage of Persuader’s murder to demonize Kahndaq’s name. Osiris feels guilty and then goes to the Rock of Eternity to ask Captain Marvel to withdraw all his powers. However, this was prevented by Adam and Isis.

When they return to Kahndaq together, it turns out that the supervillain group Horseman of Apokolips attacks Isis and Osiris. They even went so far as to kill them before escaping. This then made Black Adam angry and flew after them to the country of Bialya. In the process of his search, Black Adam went on a rampage and destroyed Bialya and killed many of its citizens, before finally being able to finish off the Horseman of Apokolips. This is what ultimately indirectly disbanded the Black Marvel Family, because Black Adam had returned to evil in the eyes of the world.

That’s the discussion about Black Marvel, the super family of Black Adam in the DC Universe. Although the comic story is short, the presence of the Black Marvel Family has proven that Black Adam can actually be good. The same thing could have happened in the DCEU, where Black Adam could be a hero in his own way. For now, we can’t confirm whether the Black Marvel Family will also appear in the DCEU or not. However, it looks like it would be interesting if they actually appeared in the future of the DCEU. What do you think, geeks?