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Coinbase Details Miner Risk In Ethereum Merge – The last day leading up to the Ethereum Merge, United States Crypto exchanges have provided some insight into the risks associated with merging.

Coinbase Protocol specialist Ben Rodriguez explained that ahead of the Ethereum Merge merger, there may be technical and operational challenges for miners as well as dapp users.

Quoted by from cryptopotato, the merger of Ethereum Merge will be a complicated upgrade that has ever happened in the Crypto industry.

The Ethereum Merge changes the Ethereum network consensus mechanism from proof of work (POW) to proof of stake (POS).

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This risk is compounded by the fact that Ethereum has multiple client implementations, to run it requires two beacon clients and the Ethereum mainnet.

However, Rodriguez stated that the testing was a bit of a concern. In fact with the shadow fork network testing went smoothly.

On an operational standpoint, Rodriguez said that the participation of nodes and validators down for the Bellatrix hard fork was an operational risk.

To deal with this Ethereum developers are discussing. For context, the Ethereum merger is expected to occur on Thursday, September 15th.

Also Read: Ahead of The Merge, Ethereum Classic (ETC) hashrate Reaches All-Time High