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Tips for Playing the Viral Alaskan Big Worms Zone Game

Tips for Playing the Viral Alaskan Big Worms Zone Game

Of course, you are already familiar with the Worms Zone game. A games Alaska’s big worm that’s viral among the gamers. Although it seems old school, this game is presented in a modern style and certainly more exciting. Players are required to make the worm Top Global and its size changed as big as alaska. To achieve this, here are some tips:

1. Login by Using Facebook

If you have downloaded Worms Zone and successfully installed it on smartphone android, it is necessary to do login. Log in using your Facebook account. Later the players can get additional coins at the beginning. This is certainly very profitable to make large worms.

2. Play in a Quiet Location

If still newbie aka the size of the worm is not large, so players are advised to find it safe and play in a fairly quiet area. Can choose a lower or upper corner where there are not too many other worms milling about. So, later you can focus on eating all the available food and not be distracted.

If you play in the middle even though the size of the worm is still quite small, you might be distracted by others and can’t focus. It’s even worse if you get hit by worms from other large players. This, of course, is prone to occur due to playing in a field that is too crowded. Therefore, choose a quiet corner and look for safety.

3. Eat It All Potions

Worms will grow to the same size as Alaska if they eat all the food in front of them. Only, it’s not enough. Therefore, increase the size by taking various potions provided. Like the blue and red colors that serve to display magnets or get green to get a lot of additional scores.

4. Take As Much Coins

Tips for playing games The next big Alaskan worm called Warms Zone is that players must take all the coins that are in front of them. Not only to increase the number, but these tips are also able to make the size of the worm change large. The growth was also faster than usual.

5. Eat Other Dead Worms

This next tip should also not be forgotten. Those who are used to playing it may be familiar with this way. For beginners, don’t be surprised if suddenly another worm dies and turns into food in large quantities. The food will line up following the length of the dead worm.

When you find it, then immediately to eat all the food and accelerate the growth of worms. Since many other worms are also scrambling, make sure no one gets caught. If you have this, later the body can change in size and length. Like the Alaskan worm character that appears in the Spongebob cartoon.

6. Don’t Hurry When Running Worms

It may be a little annoying if the worms walk too long and can’t reach all the food. Then after that the players will speed it up. Even though this method can make the worm die because it hits other worms. Especially if you use speeding mode. It is certain that the food that has been swallowed will come out through the tail.

7. Be Patient When Playing

Though games This requires the player to make the worm very large and long, but also requires patience. Do not rush or even the wrong strategy. This is because, later the worm will die and the game will end.

Those are 7 tips for playing Worms Zone, one of them games the viral Alaskan worm. If you look at it, it is almost the same as the Snake game on an old cellphone. It’s just that, here it looks modern and certainly more exciting.