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Know the Cause and How to Overcome Axis Quota Not Entering

Know the Cause and How to Overcome Axis Quota Not Entering

Causes and Ways to Overcome Axis Quota Not Entering – Everyone certainly feels disadvantaged when they have filled out a data package, but there has been no increase from provider. Therefore, know how to overcome the axis quota does not enter in order to overcome it. In addition, it will also explain some of the things that often cause these problems. So it’s easier to deal with.

Causes of Axis Quota Not Entering

Before dealing with it, first know the causes of the problems that are often experienced by some of these people. Sometimes, the axis card does experience error, either by external factors or from the users themselves. Listen to the following narrative:

1. Axis Number in Grace Period

The first cause that the user may not realize but often happens is the number that is being used in the grace period. So, before buying a quota, you should first check whether the axis card still has an active period or not. Checking can be done by dialing *123# or in the Axis Net application. When it runs out, refill it.

2. Haven’t Registered Number

For new users, the SIM card purchased must be registered first in order to enjoy the features provided by provider, including data packet filling. Usually, pop up a message will appear and only fill in the Population Identification Number along with the Family Card in the column provided. If no send RETURN#NIK#NO.KK to 4444.

3. Network is having problems

Axis cards are often error when in bad weather or locations with low signal capture capabilities. Usually this is because the place is blocked by tall buildings or trees. This is the cause that might make the quota that has been registered unable to enter the account SIM Card user.

How to Overcome Axis Quota that Can’t Enter

The cause of the problem is known, now consider how to overcome the axis quota not included below. After that, enjoy browsing comfortably using the data package that has been registered.

1. Wait Until the Signal Stable

If the problem is from the quota that cannot be increased from provider axis is because the network is experiencing problems, so wait for it to stabilize. Or go to a more spacious area with strong signal capture capabilities. After that, make sure that the data package that has been purchased can enter.

2. Adding Card Active Period

It was previously explained that one of the causes of this problem is the number is in grace period. Therefore, buy credit at counter or the nearest outlet so that the active period can be increased. But if you are lazy to leave the house, you can also make an emergency purchase to provider axis and pay for it when you buy it later.

3. Enable Airplane Mode

This third method is considered effective to restore the signal to be stronger, namely by activating the airplane mode on the airplane shortcut. It is possible that with this step, quotas that are hampered by network disturbances can enter immediately. But if it’s not resolved, try torestart cell phone.

To do restart on the phone can solve some error emerging. Try it first and wait until the quota is added to the user’s number. Press the button power a few seconds until the option appears, just click reload and wait for the phone to turn on again.

4. Report Problems to Customer Service

The last step that can be tried if the quota has not yet arrived is to make a complaint to the customer customer service from provider axis. Make a call to call center 838 or their official social media accounts, can be via Twitter @ask_AXIS and email [email protected] Explain the problem politely.

Thus the explanation of how to overcome the quota axis does not enter along with the causes that often cause the problem. Better not to panic and do the steps above. After that, enjoy the internet again comfortably.