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How to Turn Off Touchscreen Input on Windows 7 and Windows 10

How to Turn Off Touchscreen Input on Windows 7 and Windows 10

How to Turn Off Touchscreen Input on Windows 7 and Windows 10 – Over time, devices with input touch screen not only on smartphone However, tablets and laptops now do not miss this capability. Unfortunately device touch screen which are sensitive to the touch sometimes access many places without realizing it. Don’t worry, this can be solved by turning off the input touch screen which is easy to do on various OS.

One of Operating System which supports touch screen is Windows. Laptop, tablet or device two in one others who have support on the touch screen, can still give commands and run programs in it with the help of the mouse and keyboard. So, disable touch screen will not affect the program input process.

deactivate Touchscreen Input on Windows 7

There are many reasons why someone would want to deactivate touch screen on the device. Although this input is the most important thing on tablet devices that don’t have a mouse and keyboard, sometimes turning it off can provide convenience so that you don’t touch the wrong way when giving commands to programs. For this reason, users need to provide additional devices so that the device can still run.

Although both are Windows output, the Windows 7 version has a difference in the settings for turning off touch screen input. So as not to take a wrong step and touch screen can be turned off immediately, follow the steps below:

deactivate Touchscreen Input on Windows 10

How to turn off touch screen input on Windows 10 it’s basically the same as on other devices. Again, make sure the user has a mouse or keyboard that can give commands when input touch screen has been disabled. The method is as follows:

If you want to reactivate, either on devices with Windows 7 or Windows 10, how to activate it is the same as each of the steps above. The difference is, on Windows 7 users can rewrite the box with a check and on Windows 10 can press “Enable” on selection in HID compliant touchscreen just now.

That’s the way to turn off touch screen input on devices with Windows 7 and Windows 10 OS. Start by turning off touch screenchildren who often turn off the user’s device screen can no longer press carelessly on the screen because the touch function has been lost.