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How to turn off a laptop using the keyboard, easy and fast

How to turn off a laptop using the keyboard, easy and fast

The use of laptops is no longer exclusive. Today, most people have it. Many activities require a laptop, such as work and school. For the sake of practicality and efficiency of use, the laptop can be turned off with the keyboard. How to turn off a laptop using the keyboard is quite easy and consists of several options, including:

Things to Pay Attention to

Before knowing how to turn off a laptop using the keyboard, there are several important things that must be considered. This is useful to minimize the occurrence of problems on the laptop. The following things can cause interference during the process of turning off the laptop so they need to be avoided:

1. Close the Application

Make sure that all open applications on the laptop have been closed. Apps that are still open can cause certain data or work to be lost if the laptop is turned off without closing the apps first. It is also recommended not to leave USBs, CDs, removable disks and the like unplugged. Some things left in the laptop can prevent the system from shutting down completely so that it can cause a crash.

2. Clear Cache

Perform a cache wipe from the internet browser. This is useful to overcome the occurrence of slowness when the laptop is turned off and turned on again later. Not only the internet, clear other caches through the “Registry” feature so as not to cause full and errors to appear on the laptop. When later the shutdown process runs, do not immediately close the laptop before it is finished perfectly. This can result in the laptop not turning off completely, and only switching to sleep mode.

How to Turn Off a Laptop Using the Keyboard

After paying attention to the things mentioned earlier, users can turn off their laptops with the help of the keyboard. Here are some methods that you can easily and quickly try:

1. ALT+F4 . key

Make sure that the laptop is ready to shut down and that there are no applications that have not been closed. This first method is the shortest method and can be completed with just two buttons. Press the ALT key, then follow with F4. Hold for a few seconds, several options will appear including “Shut Down”. Tap on the option, then enter tab. The laptop is automatically instructed to Shut Down, then it turns off by itself.

2. Ctrl+AlT+DEL

Look for the button labeled CTRL which is located in the lower left corner of the keyboard. At the same time, press the ALT and DEL keys. The next screen will display several options, tap on the words “Shut Down”. This option is multifunctional. Besides being useful for turning off the laptop, this method is also suitable for use when the laptop hangs and cannot function smoothly by bringing up a box that can end the process of certain programs that cause errors.

3. Windows key

Press on the Windows icon located on the keyboard. After that, move the arrow keys on the keyboard up or down to select the “Shutdown” option from several available options. After selecting it, the laptop will be turned off. This third option can also be used for laptops with the Windows XP operating system.

There is only a slight difference in the steps of the two. After pressing the Windows symbol, next type U and U, thus the laptop will be instructed to shut down the system and will slowly Shut Down.

Thus information about how to turn off the laptop using the keyboard. Tricks like this are very important to know so that if there is a problem with the mouse or laptop buttons, users can still turn it off in other ways. In today’s era, knowledge of basic technology is important so that you can get things done efficiently.