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How to Solve Epson Printer Ink Colors Are Not Perfect Without Technician Help

How to Solve Epson Printer Ink Colors Are Not Perfect Without Technician Help

How to Overcome Imperfect Epson Printer Ink Colors – Having your own printer at home is an effort to save money, but it is undeniable that problems can occur. Problems that appear on the printer are commonplace, especially cartridge problems. The following will provide information on how to solve the Epson Imperfect printer ink color that is important to consider:

1. Try Making Repairs

It never hurts to try the first step is repair or maintenance. This repair is very easy to do because it only does a few settings assisted using a laptop that is connected to the printer. Users don’t even need to call a handyman service because you can do it yourself.

This step can help cartridge back to work. The cause of this imperfect color is that the color freezes so it is difficult to get out of the small hole. Arrangement maintenance helps the color come back out through the small hole so that the print is perfect again.

2. Cartridge Put In Hot Water

Users who have done the first method but did not produce results, then this second method is mandatory to try. First take it cartridge from the printer then the user takes warm water and a dry soft cloth. Soak cartridge about 5 minutes so that the frozen ink can immediately melt.

Cartridge that has been soaked can be removed and dried until completely dry. The next step that must be taken is to reinstall cartridge correctly and print the document. Ink on cartridge which has melted can be used again perfectly.

3. View Section Nozzle Check

The way to overcome the imperfect Epson printer ink color, the next step is to check the section Nozzle Check. This check aims to see the condition of the printer when printing whether the colors are even or dotted. If the color is dashed, it can be ascertained that there is a problem with the cartridge.

Of course, if the color is still dotted, then a follow-up must be carried out cleaning. Try to do a Nozzle Check again and see if the ink position is even or still intermittent. Should have been done cleaning This means that the ink is evenly distributed. So, the printer is ready to be used for printingprint again.

4. Cleaning Encoder

Need to know that Encoder This is a hardware device that resembles mica and is positioned side by side with cartridgemore precisely on the back. Encoder has a vital function in the printing process because it is useful as a sensor so that the printing process can be carried out perfectly.

Encoder that is full of dust will make the printout bad because the colors are not spread evenly. Clean Encoder This is an obligatory thing to clean all the existing dust. Clean using a soft cloth. After cleaning, the printout will return to normal.

5. Improve the Quality of Print

The last way that the user can do if the printed color is not perfect is to improve the quality of the printer. Automatically if this method is done, it will make the printout more perfect. The setting is to change the high option on the menu Print Quality.

That’s information about how to deal with imperfect Epson printer ink colors that you can try. Choose one of these methods to solve the problem with the print color. Users do not need to take the printer to a handyman service because this method can be done in their own homes. Understand each of the instructions and do it with great care.