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How to Send Files Via Google Drive on Laptops and Mobiles It's As Easy as It Turns out

How to Send Files Via Google Drive on Laptops and Mobiles It's As Easy as It Turns out

One part of Google whose usability is very important and cannot be ignored is Google Drive. Where using Google Drive users can save and share any files from there. So, for most people, the existence of cloud storage is very beneficial. Here’s how to send files via Google Drive on laptops and cellphones it’s easy:

Files can be sent via Google Drive via a laptop, here’s how

The devices that people often use when they want to send files are laptops and cellphones. Actually, the discussion this time is how to send files via Google Drive on laptops and cellphones. However, for the first discussion, we will focus on the pitfalls of laptops first. Here’s the full review:

1. Visit Google Drive Page

If you want to know how to send files via Google Drive on laptops and cellphones, visit the page from Google Drive. However, if you are from a cellphone, you can actually directly enter the application. And if on a laptop the user must first access the page through a browser.

Then make sure to open the browser application and type the page from Google Drive which is Previously the user must also ensure that the google account used is active. Because Google Drive itself is part of Google, so the main part of the alias account must also be connected first.

2. Make sure you have created a file folder on Google Drive first

After successfully logging in to the account from Google Drive, users can see the main view of this application such as the folders and files section. For how to send files via Google Drive on laptops and cellphones, even though the user must have had and owned the files in this section.

Because if you don’t, you won’t be able to send files from Google Drive. However, don’t worry if the files are still on the laptop device. Users can still create a file folder to be sent first. The trick is to click the “New” menu section, where clicking this section means that the user is ready to start creating file folders in Google Drive.

3. Start Selecting the Files to Send

After the user clicks the “New” menu, the next step is to choose which file to send later. However, this step is still limited to moving files from a laptop device to a Google Drive account.

So, try not to miss any files to move to Google Drive. Click the desired files to connect with the google account. So, it’s very easy, not the steps used as a way to send files via Google Drive on this laptop and cellphone. After clicking “New”, the system will definitely direct you to the next menu section, namely “drop down”.

Then a pop-up will appear where the user can provide a title for the new folder to be created earlier. The title of this folder can be filled freely as desired. However, try with a short and clear name so that it is easy to find later.

4. Uploading Files

If the new folder is ready, and the desired file is selected then it’s time to upload the file. Click enter after successfully completing the creation of the new folder. Then a new folder with the edited name will appear among other folders in Google Drive.

If so, the user can click the new folder to open it and it’s time to fill the folder with the desired files. The trick is to click the right part of the screen that says “file upload”. So if this process is successful then the user can go to the next stage, namely sharing the desired file.

5. Files are ready to be sent to the destination address

If the folder is filled with the desired files, then it’s time for the folder to be ready to be sent. The way is to open the folder, then click the “share” option. For this option appears when the user right-clicks the part of the folder. Then, the user can add the email address of the recipient of the file.

Then click on the options section send, and the file is ready to be sent. However, before that, try to make the file accessible to others. So that when the file is received by the destination address, the recipient can open the file.

Files can be sent via Google Drive via cellphone too, here’s how

If the user has discussed how to send files from a laptop device. Then it’s time to continue the discussion about how to send files from HP. Although actually indirectly, how to send files via Google Drive on laptops and cellphones is almost the same. Here’s the full review:

1. Opening the Google Drive App

The first thing a user can do when sending a file is to open the Google Drive application first. However, besides that, make sure the user already has the file to be shared, where the file was already stored on Google Drive. But if you haven’t, you don’t have to worry about how to save files there.

2. Uploading the file to be shared

After successfully logging in to the Google Drive application, it’s time to open the My Drive menu. In that section, note that there is a button in the form of a “plus” sign, aka a button which contains several features of this Google Drive. One of them is to do upload files.

Click the “upload file” section and the system will direct you to the section for adding files on the HP device, for example the file manager. Then the user can adjust the location of the previous file and click the file so that it can be uploaded to the Google Drive account.

If the file has been successfully uploaded, the user can confirm in the My Drive menu. In this section you will see a row of files that have been successfully uploaded. Then the user can choose one of the files that they want to share. Actually, how to send files via Google Drive on laptops and cellphones where both are almost the same in this section.

4. Files are ready to be shared

On the right side of each file, there are three dots. Users can click the sign that is parallel to the file they want to share. Then an option will appear, one of which is share. In this section make sure the user also manages link of the file.

The trick is to click the manage links section, then click the settings section. Users can change the section by selecting one of the options, namely the link is restricted or anyone with the link can access it. Then return to the previous menu, select the share option and add the desired file address. And don’t forget to click send then the file will be forwarded to the recipient.

Those are some ways to send files via Google Drive on laptops and cellphones. Of course, after knowing the easy way, now Google Drive users can maximize this feature. Because some files cannot be sent in applications such as WA, so for certain file sizes it is easier to use Google Drive.