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How to Register for Google Adsense Youtube to Get Income

How to Register for Google Adsense Youtube to Get Income

How to register for Google AdSense YouTube to get results is not difficult as long as you pay attention to the steps. After being tired of pouring creativity into producing interesting videos for YouTube, it’s a good idea for a YouTuber to register to get results from the AdSense program. Good from every impression as well as from each click. Is it hard to get results from AdSense?

Here’s how to get results from AdSense, namely create and show videos, associate it with AdSense. For each impression the user earns from the number of pages viewed and for each click, the user earns money from the number of viewers who click on the ad. Check out the following steps to link Google AdSense on YouTube:

1. Sign up for Gmail

Google has integrated all of its products including email service Gmail, video viewing site YouTube and Google AdSense. The first step how to register for Google AdSense Youtube is to fill in the data in Gmail. Filling in your personal data is a mandatory requirement for all Google affiliate users. The YouTuber must meet this first condition in order to get the results he wants.

2. Create an AdSense Account

Actually there are two ways, namely registering for AdSense first or registering on YouTube first, what is clear is that these two accounts must be owned to link AdSense and YouTube. If you want to make AdSense accountthe user registers, activates, waits for Google to check the site, then is ready to serve ads.

Activation of AdSense requires account and phone number verification. To register for AdSense on their own, YouTubers need to fill out a form regarding program approval partner YouTube and also YouTuber data such as name and address. Do not be wrong when entering data.

3. Sign up to be a YouTuber

After having an email account on Gmail, the next way to register for Google Adsense Youtube is to exist on the YouTube site, aka a YouTuber. For the first time users register by clicking sign up and if the account already exists then do sign in when opening a YouTube account. Of course, after that the user must create motion pictures and edit imagesuploadon his YouTube account.

4. Setting up Video Manager on YouTube

The next way to register for Google Adsense Youtube is to set the video manager on account YouTubers. Setting up the video manager is done by selecting the icon from the YouTuber profile followed by selecting “creator studio” which brought YouTubers to dashboardhis. After that you will see a display that says ‘Create Channel’.

5. Meets Impression Requirements

After the YouTuber has uploaded at least five original videos, immediately fulfill some requirements for the YouTuber to join the Adsense program. The requirement is quite heavy, that is, there are a thousand customers who use it.subscribe his account. In addition, YouTube has been verified, YouTubers have never spammed and the heaviest has had four thousand hours of viewing in the last one year. YouTubers need to create super engaging videos to qualify.

6. Enable YouTube Monetization

Making YouTube monetization active is the next method of registering for Google Adsense Youtube. YouTubers should choose “Creator Studio” then moves to the “Status and Features Channel” option in which there is a “Monetization’ column that must be enabled. After that, check all the boxes followed by selecting “I Agree” to express the YouTuber’s approval.

7. Linking AdSense and YouTube

How to register a Youtube account for AdSense ends by selecting ‘Monetization’, then select ‘How I will be paid‘ and select ‘Associate an AdSense Account’. After that Youtuber can click the ‘Next’ option. Then the YouTuber fills in the data. Double-check the data before sending, lest there are errors. Next select ‘Send My Application’.

Youtubers will receive an email regarding the status of their submission within one week. When the submitted AdSense request is approved, the YouTuber will be notified via email in his Gmail account. If it has not been approved, don’t despair and slowly try to fulfill the requirements.

That’s how to register for Google AdSense YouTube that all YouTubers should know. Register carefully step by step. Most importantly and don’t forget, YouTubers should create videos that attract viewers so that the viewing requirements for earning are met.