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How to Overcome Telkomsel Card Not Registered on the Network with 5 Easy Steps

How to Overcome Telkomsel Card Not Registered on the Network – To surf the virtual world to open a news portal on line Of course you need an internet network. One provider that offers quality internet with a fairly good speed is Telkomsel. There are times when the Telkomsel card or device has a problem and must be resolved immediately by overcoming the unregistered Telkomsel card on the network as soon as possible.

Network loss or the appearance of an unregistered card notification can be caused by many factors including areas that have not been registered yet support on the network until there is damage to the system. Users need to know the possible causes so that they can determine the solution in the right way. The ways to overcome this can be seen in the following description:

1. Make sure the Free Signal is entered in the User Area

An invisible internet network does not mean like a supernatural being that can penetrate walls. Basically, the signal will easily enter in an open area with minimal bulkheads around it. For that, observe the user’s location whether there are many walls (if indoors) or tall buildings (if outdoors) which can be the cause of the signal not reaching.

If so, then this could be the reason. Space that is too closed makes it difficult for the signal to reach the user’s cell phone. For that, immediately go to a more open place and observe the phone whether the “x” on the signal has changed to a cellular network bar.

2. Turn off Airplane Mode

Augustbe the unregistered network is caused by airplane mode that is still active on the cellphone. For that, the way to solve the Telkomsel card is not registered on the network due to airplane mode, the user simply deactivates the airplane mode and waits for the network to be detected slowly. To do on off on airplane mode is also effective for refreshing the phone so that the network is detected.

3. Change Network Mode to Lower Mode

When the phone is turned on, the system will automatically detect available networks in that area. From 2G to 5G networks will be explored which one is suitable for the user’s device. When it’ssettings in one mode while the mode is not detected, the user needs to change the mode to 2G network which mode is available almost everywhere.

4. Restart Phone

If you have been waiting but the user’s Telkomsel card network is not detected, try doing it restart so that the phone and the system on it can restart the program. This method is a simple way of dealing with cards that are not registered on the network. When the phone restarts after turning onrestartwait a moment for the device to re-search the network and find a Telkomsel signal.

5. Update Telkomsel Services by Upgrading the System

There are times when the device does not have a problem but the network still cannot be found, which means the Telkomsel provider has changed its service. When the service at the provider does not match the user’s cellphone, the card will not be registered on the network. For this reason, users need to follow the services that have been changed by the provider by updating them on the device.

Updating system services can take from a few minutes to a few hours to hours. When the device is updating its system do not use the device for other purposes because the update will stop. Wait until the update is complete and the phone will return to normal running with the detected network.

Those are 5 ways to solve Telkomsel cards not registered on the network according to their respective problems. Users can try one of the methods above according to the cause or do all the steps to make sure the Telkomsel card has been re-registered on the network. If the problem is still there, try contacting Customer Service to see if the card can still be used.