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Here's How to Overcome Low Storage Space on Samsung

Low Storage Space on Samsung

How to Overcome Low Storage Space on Samsung – For someone gamers, a storage greatly affects the game, especially for old smartphone users with less internal memory. Therefore, know how to deal with low storage space on the following Samsung. And make sure there is enough space left to install applications and save other files.

1. Move Apps to External Memory

The first thing to do to save storage space and make it more spacious is to move large applications to external memory. Look for an SD card with a size ranging from 8 GB to 16 GB so that it can load large amounts of files. Therefore, internal storage will be lighter and not run out.

The step to move it is through the settings on the Samsung smartphone. After that select the additional settings feature and look for it Application Management. Then click the button install. Select the application you want to move to the external memory. Wait until the transfer process is complete.

2. Move Photos, Music and Videos

In addition to moving large applications, you also need to transfer files in the form of photos, music, and videos to the remaining external memory. This is necessary in order to create a larger storage space and not to run out quickly. So that internal storage can be used to store other data.

The transfer steps are also fairly easy. Open the app File Manager already owned, then select the folder to be moved, for example here choose Image. After that click menu move (move). The last step is just to do paste (paste) in the specified place on SD Card.

3. Set the Storage Place for Photos from the Camera

For those of you who like to take pictures, you need to know how to deal with running out of storage space on this Samsung so it doesn’t use up too much internal memory. Images taken from the camera must be set to be saved to the SD card. Especially if the resulting HDR photo with high quality.

How to set it up is very easy. First go to the camera app and look for the shaped icon gear (Settings). Then just change the storage location. Who originally used internal storagechange to SD card.

4. Delete Unnecessary Apps

Low storage space can be resolved by deleting applications that are rarely used. Look for apk which will be deleted on the menu Settings on Samsung phones and Application Management. After that click the sign Uninstall. You can also press long shortcuts on the window home and move it to the trash can icon.

5. Clear Cache Files

Please note that there are junk files both from applications and results browsing which takes up a lot of space. So it is necessary to clean it using software clean master which can be downloaded for free on the Google Play Store. Can do it also via menu settings and search for the name apk then select Clear Cache.

6. Delete Databases Backup from WhatsApp

In addition to manual backups on Google Drive, every day WA always does it automatically which will later be stored in a folder in the File Manager. This data makes storage space run out quickly. Therefore, delete everything except the file with the shortest name. That is, without including the date when backing it up.

That’s how to overcome low storage space on Samsung that you can try. We recommend doing all the tips above so that the internal memory is bigger and can be used to store files and other important data.