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Get to know the Terms for Up CH Rise of Kingdom Level 11 and Upgrade Rewards

Get to know the Terms for Up CH Rise of Kingdom Level 11 and Upgrade Rewards

As a Rise of Kingdoms player you know how important it is City Hall or CH in the game. CH merupwill be the main building in the city which will affect all the buildings and the capacity of the resources that can be expended. To raise level there are conditions up CH Rise of Kingdom that players must fulfill. Interestingly, if the conditions are met, you can do upgrade rewards.

Requirements for Up CH Rise of Kingdom

Every level have different conditions. For this reason, players must meet these requirements in order to improve level CH owned in order to maximize the resources and capacity of the troops they have. Conditions to do level up CH at Rise of Kingdom for level 11 must be able to go through the following sections:

1. Wall Level 10

Wall merupwill be fortifications built by players. Wall Level A high level will increase the city’s security level. Wall This is also a condition up CH Rise of Kingdom that players must fulfill. To increase CH, the player must fulfill Wall levels at least one level below level CH. For example CH with level 11 then Wall levels must already be in level 10.

2. Hospital Level 10

Hospital merupof buildings that are important in the game Rise of Kingdom, the higher hospital level the higher the troop capacity that can be accommodated. Thus players can heal more injured troops and minimize the possibility of losing troops. For terms level up CH Rise of Kingdom then the user must fulfill hospital with level minimum 10.

3. Have Sufficient Costsup

Condition up The next CH Rise of Kingdom is to have sufficient fundsup to do development. For every increase level then the amount of costs required will also be more and more. In the game Rise of Kingdom costs are used for level up are stone, wood and food deposits.

For level These eleven users had to prepare 277,500 stash of food, 277,500 wood and 120,000 stones. This amount is indeed large so players must prepare funds to do this upgrades. Apart from that, don’t upgrade when funds are sufficientupi, but it is recommended to prepare more funds so as not to run out of funds during the process level up take place.

On level This eleven is also recommended for players to start saving food, wood and stone reserves for the process level up next. Because to maximize level This CH in Rise of Kingdom costs a lot of money. Especially when you want to do level up CH to level 25 because the costs involved can reach tens of millions.

4. Setting Up Time

Every do level up CH takes varying times. Rise of Kingdom players are expected to be patient while doing level this CH. Because it’s getting higher level then the time it takes will be even longer even up to months.

Time level up CH depends on level level what is being achieved can be in seconds to months. For stone age levels and bronze age players only need to wait in seconds to dozens of hours. Enter iron age, the time it takes is already a matter of days. To increase CH level 11 takes 1 day 6 hours.

Upgrade Reward

After fulfilling all the conditions to do up CH then players can upgrade level CH owned. For every increase level there are several prizes that players will get when the CH up process is complete. On level These 11 players get an additional 50 thousand food reserves, 50 thousand wood, 11 items building speed up and 11 items speed up training.

That’s the condition up CH Rise of Kingdom for level 11 that must be met by players and upgrade rewards for the players. Games in level These 11 players need to start preparing for the raise level for level higher in the future. That’s because of the cost needed to do level up will also get bigger.