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Causes and How to Overcome the Bronet Axis Package Cannot Be Used

How to Overcome the Bronet Axis Package Cannot Be Used

How to Overcome the Bronet Axis Package Cannot Be Used – You must feel annoyed when you want to chat or surf on browser but the quota that has been registered is reluctant to run. The problem was caused by certain things. Try how to solve the bronet axis package cannot be used which will be explained below. Each step has been tried many times and has proven to be a solution to these obstacles.

Cause Internet Package Can’t Be Used

Before knowing how to fix it, first know what causes the registered internet package to not be used. Every user provider axis has its own problems. Listen to the following narrative:

1. Axis Network in Disruption

The main cause that could make the bronet quota unusable is that the axis network is experiencing interference. This often happens when the parties provider perform repairs or weather factors at the user’s location. This problem causes the system to become error. If so, wait a while until it returns to normal as before.

2. Problem Cellphone

Not only on the network, it can also interfere with the data packet because the smartphone that is being used has a problem. Most often, this is due to the user installing unnecessary applications and files. Even though it can make the mobile phone work system heavy and slow, so that the ability to capture signals also decreases.

3. PLN Power Outages

For users who are in the city may rarely experience something like this. However, in the village, PLN’s electricity supply often goes out which disrupts the performance of the signal capturing tower, especially Axis. This can trigger the loss of the 4G signal and the bronet quota cannot be used. Internet speed is also weak.

How to Overcome Bronet Packages Can’t Be Used

After detecting the cause of the disturbances that often cause problems, now try to deal with them by solving the Axis bronet package that cannot be used below. Make sure each step is done gradually so that it can return to normal and can be used for the internet.

1. Do Restart on Mobile

The first tip that is commonly tried is to do restart on the used android smartphone. This method is believed to be effective in dealing with any problems that arise on the cellphone both in hardware and software. Just press the button power for a few moments and select restart. Later the system will release error which causes disturbance.

2. Try To Refresh Axis Network

The next way to deal with bronet packs that can’t be used even though you just bundled them is to disable the mobile data icon on the created shortcut for a few minutes. If necessary, also activate airplane mode so that the signal that is caught is stronger than before. This step has been tried and proven many times work for all providerespecially axes.

3. Move to another location

The user’s current location also affects the quality of the internet. If you are in an enclosed space, blocked by buildings or tall trees, try to move to a more strategic location and be able to capture the network firmly. Can also try it on a field that is free from obstructions.

4. Change Network Settings

The last step that can be tested is changing the network settings of the axis card. Provider which is sheltered by XL Axiata does provide a 4G signal with high internet speed. But if there is a problem, change to 3G mode through settings or by dialing *#*#4636#*#*.

That’s a review of the causes as well as how to overcome the bronet axis package that can’t be used. If all the steps have been tried but the problem has not been resolved, then make a complaint to customer service or their official social media accounts.