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6 Easy Ways to Open Whatsapp Blocked Mobile Numbers

6 Easy Ways to Open Whatsapp Blocked Mobile Numbers

6 Ways to Unlock Whatsapp Blocked Mobile Numbers – Whatsapp has different types of blocking. There are 2 types of blocks assigned by the company to anyone’s number. The first is a type of temporary block that lasts for a short time or a few days. The second is a permanent block that is set if the number user violates the rules of Whatsapp. How to open a cell phone number that is blocked by Whatsapp?

Previously, it was explained that there are 2 types of blocking in Whatsapp. For those who are temporarily blocked, the method is quite easy, just wait 24 hours and the block will open. Meanwhile, permanent is quite difficult. Here are some steps to open a cellphone number that is blocked by Whatsapp:

1. Sign in to a Blocked Whatsapp Account

The first thing to do to restore Whatsapp is to log into the account first. A notification appears that the Whatsapp number has been blocked. Furthermore, screen capture the notification to be forwarded to the place of complaint. Don’t forget, the image quality must be clear and not blurry. Make sure the number entered is really a number that has been blocked. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get a response from Whatsapp.

2. Go to Help

Next for the second thing after getting screen capture in question, go to the support or help page. Located below the notification and just by pressing the button. After pressing, it will then enter the Whatsapp help center page. When finished click contact us. If there is no contact us writing, then the user can click contact person.

3. Describe Blocked Triggers

How to open a cellphone number that is blocked by Whatsapp after entering the help page, next is to explain the trigger for being blocked by Whatsapp. Don’t forget to also explain why you can violate the rules set by Whatsapp. By including a concrete reason, perhaps the company can see if the number can be opened again or it may not be opened depending on the reason.

4. Upload Results Screen Capture

Fourth, from explaining the reason why you violate the rules, you can go to the next step, which is to upload the results screen capture. Next, from how to open a cellphone number that is blocked by Whatsapp, click continue to go to the next step. Make sure the results screen captureclear and not blurry.

5. Go to FAQ Page

Fifth is to go to the FAQ. After uploading results screen capture You will then be directed to the FAQ page. Click menu “This doesn’t answer my question” if there is no further response in the help column earlier.

6. Sign in to Gmail

The last step of how to open a cellphone number that is blocked by Whatsapp is to enter gmail. After clicking the menu earlier in the FAQ, it will be redirected to gmail. Here you can send all complaints experienced on whatsapp.

All the steps have been carried out properly and correctly, the next step is to wait. Waiting for an answer from Whatsapp takes quite a long time. Whatsapp also needs time to further analyze the number that was complained. Is it worth to be reactivated or not.

Those are the ways that all Whatsapp users can do if the number is blocked. How to open a cellphone number that is blocked by Whatsapp is very easy to do without having to visit Whatsapp directly. Do it first to get more information.

If there is no hope, it could be a very fatal mistake. So, forcing Whatsapp to have to permanently block the number. If there is no hope, then change the old number to a new number to start Whatsapp again.