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5 Ways to Overcome Indihome WiFi No Internet

5 Ways to Overcome Indihome WiFi No Internet

5 Ways to Overcome Indihome WiFi No Internet – When browsing suddenly use a cell phone or laptop error even though the connection is still connected? Try reading how to solve indihome WiFi no internet below so that this problem can be resolved. The following steps are quite easy to do by a layman, even if he is not a technician in the field.

The causes of the problem with the indihome WiFi are various. Something is caused by failing to do routing to gatewayinfected malwareor it could be a connection in a state disabled. Therefore, deal with it immediately using the method described below so that it can remain browsing smoothly:

1. Do it Restart Router Or Indihome Modem

The first tip that can be tried to solve problems with WiFi indihome is torestart router by turning it off directly on the main switch. Wait for about 30 to 60 seconds, then turn it back on. Make sure the DSL light is stable which is marked with green.

Besides doing restartcan also berouter reboot made through the application browser on your smartphone or laptop. Just type in the column search. After entering the destination page, login by entering username along with the password. Choose System Tools > Reboot Options > do reboot > and wait for it to finish.

2. Change Indihome WiFi Mode

The absence of internet on indihome wifi can also be overcome by changing the mode via browser and enter the code as before. But here, type and press enter. Sign in by typing username and password which has been registered. If you don’t have an account, just use “Admin” to login.

The next step is to head to the Wireless menu, then go to its settings feature. Just change the indihome WiFi mode to 11bgnmixed. Save the changes made earlier by tapping the button Save. Lastly, do restart on router as usual.

3. Driver Updates WiFi Adapter in Laptop

The problem that is often experienced can be because the adapter on the laptop is outdated. Therefore, the way to overcome the next indihome WiFi no internet is to do an update or update updates. For PC, follow these steps:

-right click on the My Computer menu

-look for the Properties feature and select the network adapter

-on the WiFi adapter driver menu, right click

-tap the Update Driver Software button

4. Restore to Factory Settings

For beginners, this method is very easy to do and does not require special skills. It’s possible that when setting up WiFi, you unknowingly made a mistake. Therefore, it is necessary to return it to fake factory as at the beginning of installation. The only tools needed are toothpicks, needles or blunt objects that can be used as plugs.

Insert the tool into a hole in the indicator. Press and hold for a few moments until you hear a sound or the light turns off. When it’s alive again, immediately let go. Then automatically, router will return to factory settings. After that reset indihome WiFi.

5. Enable Airplane Mode

The last way that is worth trying is activating airplane mode on a smartphone or laptop that is used for browsing. Leave it for 3 to 5 minutes. After that reconnect to WiFi. Try to test if there is a change.

Those are 5 ways to overcome indihome WiFi without internet that you can try yourself. Don’t rush to call a technician. Find out first what causes error. And if it is still possible, do it independently.