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5 Secret Tricks of Mobile Legends to Make Beginners Easy to Win

5 Secret Tricks of Mobile Legends to Make Beginners Easy to Win

5 Secret Tricks of Mobile Legends to Make Beginners Easy to Win – For beginners who have just started playing Mobile Legends, they may lose more often than win matches and battles. This is natural because beginners are still not familiar with the game that has just started. Don’t worry, there is a secret Mobile Legends trick for Mobile Legends beginners to make it easier to win matches even if you’re just starting out.

Therefore, this discussion is about tricks for Mobile Legends beginners to win matches more often. Although it is very effective and efficient so that players can improve their abilities. But not many people realize and do the trick below:

1. Master the Hero at play

Mobile Legends beginners are sometimes too dazzled by the new heroes who are promoted as the strongest. Even though victory is not always achieved by using a strong hero. Of course, using a strong Hero will greatly help victory.

It’s just that instead of choosing a strong hero, the most important thing to do is the player’s mastery of the hero being played. Even though players only play heroes who are said to be normal, but if the player can master them well. It’s not impossible that players can win it even against a strong hero.

2. Choosing the Right Hero with Fighting Style

Every Mobile Legends player, even if you are a beginner, will know that in Mobile Legends there are various types of heroes. There are marksman, tank, mage, fighter, and so on. Understanding these types of heroes before playing is important.

This is so that players can choose a hero that suits their fighting style. If the player is a long-range fighter, it is better to choose a hero type such as marksman and mage. If melee can be chosen by the type of fighter, it is also important that players understand their role in the team.

3. Build the Right Item with the Hero Type

The next secret mobile legends trick is to build the right item with the chosen hero. Lots of novice players make this mistake, it’s quite common. For example, choosing a build item that does not match the type of hero, so that the purchased item is completely useless.

Gold that is issued is also very useless because it does not support performance. Therefore, make sure to only buy items that match the type of hero, so that the Hero used can be stronger. Gold that is collected and issued is not in vain.

4. Don’t Frequently AFK

Playing live games without the pause button is indeed very difficult, because it cannot be left alone. So, make sure to play Mobile Legends games when you really have free time. This is because, AFK activities alone or leaving the game in the middle of a fight can have a bad impact on the game. It’s not just the team that will be short of people so it’s easy to beat.

Players who deliberately AFK in the middle of the fight will be penalized points. The value of the game will also be reduced if it is below the threshold, players may not be able to participate in the match again. Until the game value points can be restored.

5. Upgrade the Emblem on the Right Hero Type

Still related to the previous trick, if the player has chosen the desired hero type. Then have mastered the type of hero. Focus on points to upgrade the emblem on that type of Hero. This can increase the ability of heroes of that type.

For beginners, it’s better to focus on upgrading one emblem first. Don’t be too greedy with upgrading many emblems at once. Because this actually makes the player’s strength not stand out.

Those are 5 secret Mobile Legends tricks for beginners. Although it sounds simple, the tricks above are very rarely realized by novice players. Even though beginners can get a lot of wins by paying attention to the things that have been discussed above.