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Telegram Writing Bot by @its.will and How to Use

Telegram Write Bot

Lately, many are looking for a bot to write telegram by @its.will which is done by students who are lazy to write their own.

With the enactment of the online learning system from home, of course, it requires students to use smartphones as a medium for learning at home.

Smartphones are not enough, they also need an internet connection in order to join online classes conducted by teachers. This learning system has been implemented since the pandemic.

Starting from absences, teaching and learning activities to giving writing assignments are also carried out online. And what is also interesting is that assignments are also made online by taking photos and sending them to the teacher.

This is what is used by a number of students to find alternatives so that they are not tired of writing, but only type with their cellphones and the source can also be copied from the internet.

Very lucky because there are good and smart people who created a bot writing telegram by @its.will which is still working for use.

Telegram Writing Bot Working System

The bot will work automatically when we enter a certain command (already set in the system) where later we only need to enter the command and follow it with the sentence that we will write in the book.

After finishing typing, the bot will work and detect what words we have entered and start he will write into the book (in the form of photos) and also the results will be sent to us.

So the good thing here is that we don’t need to write to a book anymore and take photos with the teacher. Because we just enter the command followed by the words we will write, and the results will come out in an instant. Then we can send the results to the teacher.

How to Use Telegram Write Bot

Because many are still confused, here’s how to use the Instagram writing bot on both Android and iPhone.

1. Open the Telegram app.

2. Tap search then search for “bot writing by @its.will.”

3. Or you can also follow this link.

4. After that click Join.

5. See the list of available bots.

list bot writing telegram

6. Choose one.

7. There are several options in it.

8. Please choose the one that suits your task.

For example here I will write the sentence “this is the result of writing done by”.

Then I entered the command by typing:

/magernulis2 this is the result of writing done by

Then the output will be written in paper form as follows:

It’s not only the text that we enter that will be output to the paper, but it is also available along with the date at the top right which seems to make this writing real as if it were our own writing.

Bot Disadvantages

When a bot cannot be used for a certain period of time, the reason could be because of the large number of users so the server is busy to handle many requests at one time. Processing sometimes takes longer than usual.

Because the writing style produced is the same, it is possible that the teacher will quickly find out if you are using a bot to write. If it’s only you in one class that’s using it’s fine, but if it’s crowded and more than 5 people can be found out.

Also read: How to Watch Movies on Android Telegram

We can’t continue to depend on this telegram writing bot, because it can cause laziness when we want to write to the book again later because we are “used” to the practical way above, use it when we are tired and lazy.