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Origin of Malay Deutro, Distribution and Characteristics

Deutro Malay

Estimated to have arrived in 500 BC, Deutro Melayu or more commonly known as the Young Malays is a term used for the population that arrived in the second wave.

After the first wave, they were named the Proto Malays. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the Deutro Malay tribes include Balinese, Minangkabau, Acehnese, Sundanese, Betawi, Manadonese, Javanese, and also Malays.

Deutro Malay

Origin of Deutro Malay

The Deutro Malay tribe originally came from mainland Indochina in the southern part. This race then came to Indonesia with several things.

Some of these things are in the form of new cultures such as iron weapons (Dongson culture) and also many other tools.

The existence of migration from this race can be seen from several routes of distribution of the tools they left behind in several Indonesian islands.

Deutro Melayu has several abilities, one of which is making irrigation on agricultural land and is also able to provide progress in the shipping sector.

This ability is strengthened because they do master the science of astrology which is very helpful and makes it easier for them to survive.

The existence of this ability in terms of astrology is what ultimately made the Deutro Malay race make their migration by using the sea route.

But not only in Indonesia. In fact, some of these Deutro-Malay races sailed to Japan and also Madagascar. Very far, isn’t it?

Characteristics of the Malay Deutro Tribe

Just like other races, the Malay Deutro also has basic characteristics such as being able to make objects with metal base materials such as iron and bronze.

Then produce cultural objects including axes, funnels, bronze vessels and nekaras and many other characteristics.

Difference between Proto-Malay and Deutro-Malay

Between the Deutro Malays and also the Proto Malays, there are some differences. The difference lies in the Proto Malays came to Indonesia in 1500 BC while the Deutro Malays in 500 BC.

Proto-Malay entered from two routes, namely through the west and east. However, Deutro Melayu entered only through one route, namely the western route.

Another difference between the two nations is that the Proto-Malays were not very advanced in terms of culture, while the Deutro-Malays were more advanced and could create several tools and so on.

At that time, the Proto Malays could not even make any tools like those made by the Deutro Malays.

The place of origin of the two races is also different. Deutro Melayu is said to have originated from Dongson, Vietnam. However, Proto-Malay came from Yunan, China. In addition, the ethnicity of the descendants of the two is also different.

The descendants of this Proto-Malay are the Batak, Dayak and Toraja tribes. Meanwhile, Deutro Melayu includes Javanese, Madurese, Sundanese, Malay and so on.

In the end, the two races then developed in Indonesia and their existence increasingly dominated. These two races, either Deutro Malay or Proto Malay, have blended into one and become residents of the Indonesian archipelago.

Due to the increasingly mingling and progress of the country today, many are not familiar with the two races.

In Indonesia itself has various ethnic groups and races that blend into one. They developed and eventually emerged many cultures that made Indonesia increasingly a country rich in culture.

Hopefully, knowing the Deutro Malay race and others can broaden your horizons about the tribes and races that exist in Indonesia.