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Mesozoic Era (Definition, Characteristics, Period, Relics)

Mesozoic Age

In the discussion of history, of course, many eras are studied. Each era certainly has its own differences and characteristics. It is this difference that makes every era feel exciting to learn, especially for all of you who really like all things history.

This time we have information related to the Mesozoic era. You can use this information as learning material and can also really help you when there are things you don’t understand about this era. Without wasting much time, here is the information for all of you.

Definition of the Mesozoic Era

Mesozoic Age

Before we discuss anything else, understanding, of course, is the first thing we must discuss and we will peel, even though it is not complete. Many of you may already know about the meaning of this era.

However, of course, not a few of you still feel confused or don’t even know about this.

The Mesozoic era was an era in which reptiles developed, especially dinosaurs, and there was also the development of ammonite plants which had ancient seeds. This era is known to have lasted from 252 to 66 million years ago.

Many people call this era the age of reptiles. Why is that? Because at this time it was dominated by reptiles such as iguanodon, megalosaurus, plesiosaur, and also pseudosuchia. This was stated by paleontologist Gideon Mantell around the 19th century.

The Mesozoic Era is known to have lasted 186 million years when the Cenozoic era began. This period is also divided into three geological periods, of course there are the oldest to the youngest.

Division of the Mesozoic Age

Division of the Mesozoic Age

It’s not only about the meaning of this era that you should know. But you also have to master the slashing or division of this era properly. So that your knowledge and knowledge will increase, and so that later you can answer all things related to this one era.

The Mesozoic Era is known to be divided into three epochs, of course each era will have different characteristics or things in each of these divisions.

1. Triassic Age

The Triassic Age is the first era in this division of the Mesozoic era.

This era is known to have started from 245-208 million years ago. The Triassic period was an era when reptiles and giant animals such as dinosaurs began to appear.

At this time too, the continent called Pangea began to move north and eventually formed a desert there. The ice sheet on the south side is also starting to melt and cracks are starting to be seen forming in Pangea. At this time too, mammals began to appear.

2. Jurassic Age

The next division of the Mesozoic era is the Jurassic period (208-145 million years ago). In this era became the heyday for the dinosaurs who began to rule the land.

Meanwhile, all existing seas began to be controlled by marine reptiles, including Icththyosaurs, plesiosaurs. As well as the aerial part is controlled by flying reptiles, namely, pterosaurs and pterodactyls.

At this time, the continent of Pangea, which was just beginning to move, had begun to split up. At this time, North America began to separate from Africa, while South America began to separate from Antarctica and Australia.

In this era, there are also many plants that are very much growing such as Ginko, Benetit, sequoia.

3. Cretaceous Age

The Cretaceous Age, which lasted about (145-65 million years ago), became the last division of the Mesozoic era. In this era dinosaurs and flying reptiles experienced glory.

At that time also plants and mammals began to develop and also become various forms.

It was also at this time that placental mammals were known to appear for the first time. Climate and weather also appear in this era. India, which is detached and very far from Africa, which is also moving forward a lot, began or occurred in this one era, of course.

Characteristics of the Mesozoic Age

Characteristics of the Mesozoic Age

You also have to know and study the characteristics of the Mesozoic era properly. This one thing, of course, is no less important than the others. You can find out what the characteristics are through the information below.

In this era, there are many very large or giant animals which are often referred to as dinosaurs, at this time the climate on earth tends to be more stable than usual.

This era lasted about 150-65 million years ago, the continents that existed experienced a shift, there was a number of tectonic and evolutionary activities, climate. This era became the peak age in the development of giant animals called dinosaurs.


Mesozoic Relics

Not only about the things above that you need to know, this one thing is also of course very important for you to know. Relics from the Mesozoic era are certainly very different from those found in other eras.

If other eras tend to leave more ancient items or tools, in this era, animal and plant fossils are the most commonly found remains.

This time we will provide information about the relics of this era following the pattern of the division of the times as above.

Tria period

In this period it is well known, a lot of animals such as dinosaurs appeared. And because of that, a lot of animal fossils related to these animals have been found.

Found fossils of animals called postosuchus, stauricosaurus, proterosuchus, chinogathus, plateosaurus, coelophysisi. Those are a number of fossils that have been found in this division of the Mesozoic era.

Jurassic Period

The Jurassic period also of course became one of the existing periods and many relics were found in this period.

Again and again found fossils from a number of different animals such as Diplodocus, allosaurus, stegosaurus, archaheopteryx, plesiosaur, ichtyosaur. Being an animal whose fossils were found during this Jurassic period.

lime period

The Mesozoic Era which took place in the Cretaceous period also found a number of fossils of buried animals and plants.

A number of fossils from these animals include tyrannosaurus rex, velociraptor, triceratops, pterosaurs, dischocapites, tylosaurus. So many fossils have been found in this Cretaceous period.

There are of course many fossils that have been found that exist in every period that exists in this one era.

Most of the remains of this era are fossils from giant animals that were lucky enough to be found and could be known by many people.

Those are a number of reviews that we have managed to summarize and give to you all about the Mesozoic Age, hopefully this information can be useful and useful for all of you, of course.