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How to Unregister the Latest Indosat Ooredoo Card 2022

How to Unregister Indosat Card

How to unregister an Indosat card is very easy, you can do it via SMS or customer service. The condition is that you must know the phone number to be unregistered, if you don’t know what the phone number is, you can ask for help from customer service.

But first make sure that the number is registered with your NIK and KK number. Because if it doesn’t match, it might not work.

As for the reasons some people do unreg and why unreg is needed.

Why is Unreg Indosat Card Needed?

The main reason why unreg is needed is because of the limitation that a maximum of 3 numbers may be registered under the name of one identity (NIK/KK). If you feel that you have registered your identity on 3 phone numbers, then you cannot register again with the same identity (NIK/KK).

Then how can we register again with the same identity on a different phone number? That is with unreg one of the cards (for example, the Indosat card) which you think is no longer suitable for use.

Each card has its own way, such as Telkomsel card, Tri card, XL card, and Axis card. The method is a little different, but this time we will discuss how to unregister the Indosat card only.

However, a new regulation from Kominfo reveals that the regulation of 1 NIK for 3 card numbers is no longer valid. Now you can register 1 NIK for an unlimited number of card numbers. Then if the rules have changed, what is the importance of unregistering the card?

  • To secure cards for users who like to use single use cards then throw them away
  • So that the card registered as under your identity is not blamed by people
  • Unregistered SIM cards can no longer be used, so it really minimizes the misuse of cards that you no longer use

So broadly speaking, unregistering the card is your way of deactivating the card for good.

Also read: How to Extend Indosat’s Active Period

How to Unregister the Latest Indosat Card 2022

To protect and monitor the activities of SIM card users on cellular phone users, the government has implemented a new regulation, which is mandatory registration.

The registration is done by entering the Population Identification Number (NIK) and Family Card (KK) number, including the old card holder.

Although recently the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) has announced that one Population Identification Number (NIK) can be used to register more than 3 SIM cards, for security reasons, you should still unregister cards that are no longer in use. Especially for you Indosat card users, there are two ways to Unregister Indosat, which are as follows:

How to Unregister Indosat Card via SMS

A practical way that you can do to unregister an Indosat card is to send an SMS to the operator number to unregister an Indosat card. The steps you can take to unregister your Indosat card via SMS are as follows:

1. The first step, of course, you must have a cellphone, credit and an Indosat card that will be unregistered

2. Open the SMS application on your mobile phone

3. Type UNPAIR#HP Number#

Example: UNPAIR#085455060199#

how to unregister Indosat card

4. Next, send the SMS to Indosat’s unreg service number, which is 4444

5. If you have successfully sent an sms to the number, wait for a reply from the operator

6. The process will take a few minutes. However, if the operator is busy, it may take up to days

If you don’t want to wait long, you can try the second way to unregister Indosat, namely through customer service.

How to Unregister Indosat Card through Customer Service

How to Unregister Indosat Card through Customer Service

If the unregistered Indosat operator service via SMS is busy and you don’t want to wait any longer, you don’t need to worry because you can also unregister your Indosat card through Indosat’s customer service.

You just need to go to the nearest Indosat outlet in your city. Make sure you bring any important documents needed to unreg. The documents are the Population Identification Number (NIK) and the Family Card number (KK).

If you are already at an Indosat outlet, you can go directly to the customer service desk. State your purpose to unregister your Indosat card by showing your official identity and the required documents.

Also tell me that you have unregistered via SMS and it didn’t work. Then the customer service will immediately help to unregister the Indosat card.

How to Unregister a Lost Indosat Card

How to Unregister a Lost Indosat Card

Basically, the way to unregister a lost Indosat card is the same as unregistering an Indosat card in general. The important thing here is that you remember the card number that will be unregistered.

But if you forget the card number, you can call customer service (021) 30003000 or come directly to their outlets with your KTP and KK.

Or you can check by knowing the Indosat number

Here’s how to unregister a lost Indosat card:

  • Or use the following format, UNPAIR#HPNumber#
  • An example of writing like this: UNPAIR#08555555555#
  • Then send the SMS format to number 4444 (it depends on which SIM you want to send SMS)
  • Wait for a reply SMS from Indosat that your card has been successfully unregistered, done

How to Unregister a Dead Indosat Card

How to Unregister a Dead Indosat Card

Can a dead Indosat card be unregistered? Surely many are asking this, because it is not uncommon for users to unknowingly burn their Indosat cards and have not had time to unregister the card.

To be honest we don’t have any experience with this, but I personally think it could be. Try visiting the nearest Indosat outlet in your city and ask if you can unregister an expired card.

Given that the registration limit is only limited to 1 NIK with 3 numbers, this is certainly difficult for people who have several provider cards to use.

How to Unregister Indosat Card Online

Unfortunately, after I searched, we couldn’t find a way to unregister an Indosat card online. Whether it’s through an application, website or other online site, Indosat does not provide it.

Broadly speaking, there are only 2 ways, namely via SMS and Customer Service. Unlike Telkomsel, Tri, or Smartfren cards. So, like it or not, if your card is Indosat, the easiest way to unregister is via SMS or customer service.

But sometimes, when we unregister, a message like this appears: “Sorry unreg failed because your number is still waiting before you can reregister.”

In the following, we describe how to solve the unregistered on a failed Indosat card.

Causes and How to Overcome Unreg Indosat Failed

Causes and How to Overcome Unreg Indosat Failed

If we fail to unregister, it is usually because the operator is undergoing repairs or a slight error makes our request difficult to process.

If today failed to unreg, try to do it again the next day (1 day can only do 1 unreg on the same number). Repeat the steps until it works, but if it keeps failing and the failure has been more than 5 times, you should go directly to the nearest Indosat operator outlet.

It’s quite easy not to unregister the Indosat card. However, even though unregistering an Indosat card is fairly easy, you also have to have good judgment.

You must know that for every cellular phone card number that has been registered and then unregistered, it will no longer be able to be used again and again.

You won’t be able to cancel it, so your card won’t work forever. Therefore, make sure that you really don’t need the card in the future.

Also read: Indosat APN

Also, make sure that no important data of yours is left in it so that it doesn’t just disappear. Remember, even though you can register your card more than three times using the same identity number, you still have to follow this unregistered Indosat method on cards that are no longer used for the security of your data.