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How to Play Telegram RolePlay (RP) and its terms

How to Play RolePlay (RP) Telegram

RolePlay Telegram or abbreviated as RP is a game that is quite popular with people through the Telegram platform. You can play this game via a channel on Telegram called RolePlay Promote.

Maybe those of you who only use Telegram for communication and need to read the Tele channel will not know that there is a feature called RP or RolePlay on Telegram.

But apparently not many people know what the flow of this game is like and how. Because there are some terms that are quite confusing if you don’t know them.

How to play RolePlay Telegram can be said to be quite difficult if you don’t understand some of the terms of the game.

Before knowing how to play this RP, you better know the description of the game below.

What is Telegram RolePlay?

RolePlay Telegram is a game that requires players to find friends in the game. According to its linguistic meaning: role playRP requires the players to play a character who performs various movements/activities through writing.

This game is a game that requires quite a complicated imagination. Not only playing roles, you also have to find friends, partners, and family.

If you are familiar with RP on Line, Instagram, or Whatsapp, surely you already understand how the flow of this game works.

What is the difference between RP Telegram and RP Line, Instagram, and WhatsApp?

Actually the difference is not very detailed, the most striking is absence of RPRL as in the RolePlay game on WhatsApp and Instagram.

If on Whatsapp there is an RP account that can be played simultaneously with an RL or Instagram account that allows where RP can create an RL account story, you will not find it on Telegram.

Actually there are, but RPRL on Telegram is considered less attractive and ineffective. Just like searching for friends, partners, or family on Line, Instagram, and Whatsapp, RP Telegram also allows you to send promotions to the channel or directly to the account of the intended person.

Alternatively, you can also promote / promote to a special promote group on Telegram. Unfortunately this is not effective, in fact annoying or spam.

How to Play RP Telegram

1. Know the Meaning of the Terms

Real LifeRl
Subs for Subssfs
Promote for PromotingPfp

*SFS is Subs for Subs or it’s easy to subscribe to each other between channels

* Pfp is promote for promoting or it’s easy to promote each other between channels

After knowing the terms of this RP game, you shouldn’t need to be confused anymore if you find these terms mentioned in the game rules or by other players.

2. How to Promote/Bio

Now, after knowing the various terms, now is the time for you to promote or find friends, partners, and family.

The trick is that you can send a bio to the promote channel. Don’t forget to submit your bio according to the existing guidelines. This RolePlay Promote channel is quite large and you can only send a chat once in a certain format.

3. How to Send Menfes (Secret Message)

After promoting the bio on the channel and getting family, friends, or partners, now is the time to send menfes or secret messages. This Menfes will be more private in the future, because only you and your relatives, spouse, or family can read it.

Usually this menfes is used by someone to send words of love or to criticize someone.

The trick is that you have to send the Menfes or secret messages to the bot according to the guidelines, then the Menfes will be posted by the admin after review.

Read also:


Now, after knowing how to play Telegram RolePlay above, do you understand and are interested in playing this fairly complicated but fun game?

Actually, how it works is easy, it can be concluded that RolePlay Telegram is a game to find friends, family, or partners via telegram. Have a nice play!