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How to Make CO Host on Zoom Unlimited

How to Become a CO Host on Zoom

Many people who have used Zoom for a long time, but only understand the term Host, do not know the term Co Host. In addition to being a Host, you can also become a Co Host in meetings or conferences from the Zoom application.

The role of the Co-Host is also quite important and influential. How to make a Co Host on Zoom is also easy, it doesn’t take long.

But so as not to be confused, you must first understand the meaning of Co Host in the Zoom application. Here’s the explanation:

What is a Co-Host on Zoom?

Just like the Host, the Co-Host is a user who can control the course of the meeting, from managing participants to other more complex rules such as disabling voice over, video, presentation, and others.

It turns out that in the Zoom application, you can activate two or more Hosts, the first is the Host and the second is the Co-Host. Later this Co-Host can be together with the Host to arrange the meeting, such as stopping the recording, and others.

The Co-Host is appointed by the Host and every activity will be monitored by the Host. There is no limit to the number of Co-Hosts, so you as a Host can appoint anyone to be a Co-Host without a limit on the number.

Co-Hosts themselves are not allowed to do the following:

  • Stop the meeting.
  • Start a live stream.
  • Appoint someone to be the Co-Host.
  • Using the waiting room feature.
  • Using the breakout room feature.

The Co-Host is also not allowed to start the meeting. Then what if the Host needs someone who can start the meeting? You can designate Alternative Host.

How to Become a Co-Host on Zoom

Before adding a Co-Host in the Zoom application, you are required to activate it first in the settings. Here’s how:

  • Go to Zoom web at:
  • Log in with the Zoom account that you will use for conferencing.
  • Select tab Settings.
  • After that, scroll down until you find the option Co-Host. You can also use CTRL + F and type Co-Host to look for that option. If you are using a Mac, use Command + F and type Co-Host.
  • Activate features it by sliding the option to be visible blue. After activating, that means if you become a Host, you can add Co-Host in conference meetings.

Note that the Co-Host cannot start a meeting. So if you want someone to start a meeting, you should enable the feature Alternative Host.

After activating in settings, then you can log in to your account via the Zoom application. Log in to your account in the Zoom app as usual.

Well, let’s say you are already in a conference meeting and want to activate a Co-Host to help with work. Here are the steps:

  • Click button Manage Participants which is in the lower left corner.
  • After that it will appear list of participants on the right pane.
  • Hover over participant name who will be the Co-Host.
  • Choose More.
  • Several options will appear, select Make Co-Host.
  • Choose Yes when a pop up appears confirming the appointment of a Co-Host.
  • So, if the appointment of the Co-Host is successful, the participant who becomes the Co-Host will have the label under the participant’s name.

So what if you want to cancel or delete someone who is already a Co-Host?

It’s easy, just hover over the participant’s name again, select Moreand select an option Withdraw Co-Host Permission. It’s easy, right?

Read also:

Those are some ways to make Co-Host on Zoom very useful in conferences or meetings. Co-Host will help Hosts when they are overwhelmed or when it is not possible to make certain arrangements for participants during meetings. May be useful!