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How to Increase Indihome Speed ​​Without Changing Packages

How to Increase Indihome Speed ​​Without Changing Packages

Is there a way to increase IndiHome internet speed without changing the package? Of course there are some tips that we can do to optimize the connection speed to make it more stable and not slow.

Are you an Indihome user who feels the internet speed is slow? If you ask customer service, maybe you will only be advised to restart the modem or upgrade the package. Even though there is a way to increase the speed of Indihome without changing the package.

But before that, we must know what causes slow internet. One of them is because of the FUP, this feature provides a limit for users so that when the specified quota is exhausted, the speed will decrease drastically.

Unlike in the past where IndiHome did not enforce these rules, users could download and stream as much as they wanted without fearing that the speed would be limited.

That’s why many users are looking for alternatives or tips so that the connection can be fast again even though the FUP quota has run out.

This method is not widely known by Indihome users themselves. So, you should try the 6 ways below to increase internet speed.

How to Increase Speed ​​in terms of Software

1. Check Internet Speed

Check Internet Speed

When you first signed up for the Indihome service, you have selected the Internet speed. Examples are 10 Mbps, 20 Mbps, 50 Mbps, and so on. It’s a good idea to first make sure that your internet speed is now the same as it should be.

  • Open browser you, then type the following address “” and press enter.
  • View the page that appears, then click “Start“.
  • Wait until the process is complete, see the speed that appears. If the number is less than the speed it should be, it’s natural that your internet is slow.

2. Browser Updates

Browser developers always make system improvements which also affect loading speed. Try to update the browser application regularly. Older browsers are indeed slower than the latest browsers.

Below is how to upgrade the Google Chrome app:

  • Click three dots icon in the corner of the app
  • Click “Others
  • Choose “Google Chrome updates
  • The update will run automatically, when it is finished, click the three dots again and select “Relaunch“.

3. Clear Cache

Browser cache that accumulates can also be one of the causes of decreased internet speed. The impact is also felt on the overall performance of the laptop. Clear your browser cache this way:

  • Press “Ctrl“, “Shift” and “Delete” at the same time.
  • Select the option “Everything“.
  • Put a check mark by clicking on the option “Browsing and download history“, “Cookies“, and “cache“.
  • Click “ok
  • Wait until the cleaning process is complete.

Feel the change, now your browser will feel lighter and internet speed will increase.

4. Stop Downloading

If you’re playing games, streaming, or doing online conferences, you shouldn’t download it at the same time.

Stop the download activity first so that your main activity becomes more stable. Downloads can be continued at a later time.

How to Increase Indihome Speed ​​Without Changing Packages From a Technical Point of View

If you have done the tips above but the internet connection is still slow, there may be something wrong from a technical point of view. Try to check the two things below.

1. Make sure you haven’t reached FUP

FUP is short for Fair Usage Policy or fair use limits. Indihome itself sets an FUP of 300 GB for 10Mbps package users. If internet usage has reached 300 GB, the speed will be reduced to 7.5 Mbps.

The 7.5 Mbps speed lasts until usage reaches 400 GB. After that, the speed will be lowered again to 4Mbps. Of course this will directly affect your internet speed.

Check the FUP that you have achieved by downloading the MyIndihome application on the Playstore. To prevent speed drops in the middle of the month, you should not use the internet excessively.

2. Limit the Number of Wi-Fi Users

Wi-Fi with a speed of 10 Mbps will be optimal when used by 1-5 devices. If it’s more than that, it’s possible that the speed will be less than the maximum you feel right now. We recommend that you limit Wi-Fi users in this way:

  • Use a laptop or cellphone that is already connected to Wi-Fi.
  • Open browser then type in the address bar.
  • Log in using the admin username and password.
  • Click the menu “network“-“WLAN settings“-“Wi-Fi control“.
  • Choose SSID that you want to limit, set the value as desired.
  • Click the button “Apply“.

If the connection is not fast, you can complain about this via IndiHome Complaints so that they can be responded to immediately and internet problems in your home can be resolved.

Many users who have implemented the method of increasing the speed of Indihome without changing the package above are satisfied. The reason is, the increase in internet speed can be felt immediately.