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How to Find Bots on Telegram and Guide to Using

How to Find Bots on Telegram

Surely you are curious about how to find bots on Telegram, right? Remembering when we type in search, sometimes we stray into the chat channel and it’s not a bot.

One of the social media chat applications that have full features is Telegram. Why do I say complete? Because in it we can not only chat, but also can enter certain commands on a bot.

Telegram is becoming an application that is widely used by smartphone users. But there are still many people who do not understand the use of this telegram.

Including how to find bots on Telegram. Telegram is currently booming because it is one of the most secure and convenient applications to use.

The bot feature in Telegram is usually used to find or get information through channels automatically. It can also be through a group or private chat.

You can also use anonymous chat by using a bot on Telegram, because the anonymous chat feature does not exist on Telegram officially.

Also read: How to Make New Friends on Telegram

How to find bots on Telegram using Anonymous Chat

Today, bots on Telegram are used for different purposes. Then you can search for bots in the search field, because that is the easiest way.

After that you can send a message to the bot account, then the account will reply to the message automatically.

Here are some anonymous chats using bots on Telegram:

  1. First of all, open the Telegram application on your smartphone.
  2. Click the search button in the top right corner.
  3. Type the name of the anonymous bot.
  4. Click again on the top search result and a chat display will appear on the bot.
  5. Click the Start button or you can also send a chat by typing Start. The bot will also reply to the Looking For a Parner message. This means that he is also looking for a partner for you.
  6. Later, a reply from the bot will appear, for example Partner Found. If it already exists, then you are directly connected to the partner you are looking for. Then type the chat message you want.
  7. After that you can start the chat by making new settings, which are according to what you want. For example, make a male or female gender setting according to your gender.

The speed of the bot is usually not certain, it can be fast or slow. If the speed is slow, the bot will not respond to your chat.

Each bot on Telegram has its own menu, with a different way of using it with five different steps.

Bots on Telegram

Not only search for bots in this telegram application, but you can also create your own bot. In fact, there are also many people who make games and bots in this telegram application.

To make a bot on this telegram, you must first understand the PHP language. Use Chatbot or it could be Manybot if you build the bot yourself.

Here are some bots on Telegram that are already popular and widely used:


If you want to use this bot then you just type Talkbot. You can also join the room by typing Join. You can also have a private chat by typing Private.


How to use it is the same, type the name of the bot first. However, this bot is usually specifically used by RP children or Role Players on Telegram, who usually play famous characters in Korea or Indonesia. Users will not show their real names.

There are several ways to find bots on Telegram. The method is also easy as long as you understand how to use the telegram.

This bot feature will let you find new friends on telegram. But you have to be prepared with a slow speed if there is no response while doing a chat bot.