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History, Content and Impact of the Roem Royen Agreement

roem royen agreement

Roem Royen Perjanjian Agreement – For the Indonesian people, the struggle for independence does not stop when independence is declared. There are many things related to the establishment of this republic so that it can be completely separated from colonialists like the Netherlands.

Although most of the world has recognized Indonesia’s independence, at home the situation is still chaotic and requires a lot of adjustment.

To make peace after independence in Indonesia, several agreements and meetings have been made.

One of the agreements or agreements that had a major influence on the Indonesian government with the Dutch government was known as the Roem van Roijen Negotiations and Agreements which were held in 1949 and took place on 1949 and signed on 7 May 1949 at the Des Indes Hotel, Jakarta.

Roem Royen Agreement Background

the impact of the roem royen agreement

The beginning of the Roem Royen Agreement was held because of the Dutch attack on the Indonesians that took place in Yogyakarta. In addition to attacking, the Dutch also detained several important Indonesian figures.

It was not enough to attack and detain important figures, the Dutch even carried out propaganda stating that the Indonesian Armed Forces had been destroyed.

This action received opposition and condemnation from the world. As a major world organization, the United Nations (UN) proposed the Netherlands and Indonesia to conduct negotiations to resolve this issue. Because there was encouragement from various parties, finally, like it or not, the Netherlands had to agree to carry out negotiations.

So, on the date May 14, 1949 negotiations began to reach an agreement which is currently known as Roem Royen Perjanjian Agreement or also known as The Roem Van Roijen Agreement or Roem Roijen.

The name of this agreement itself comes from the names of the two delegations sent by both parties to negotiate issues between Indonesia and the Netherlands.

Who is Roem Royen’s character?

From the Indonesian side, it was represented by Mohammad Roem with members Ali Sastro Amijoyo, Dr. Leimena, Ir. Juanda, Prof. Supomo and Latuharhary.

Meanwhile, from the Dutch side, a representative named Herman van Roijen was sent with members Blom, Jacob, dr. Van, dr. Gede, Dr. PJ Koets, Van Hoogstratendan and Dr. Gieben.

Roem Royen Negotiation Process

Negotiations to reach the Roem Royen Agreement, which began on May 14, 1949, were going quite tough. After one week of the negotiation process, the negotiations were postponed.

This delay occurred due to a misinterpretation by the Dutch. The Dutch considered that the Dutch intended to restore their power in Indonesia after the Indonesian leaders ordered them to stop the guerrilla attacks, work together to restore peace, order and security and were willing to attend the KMB.

what is the purpose of the roem royen agreement

Expectations from the Dutch side did not materialize as expected. This is because Indonesian leaders are scattered and there is no contact.

However, these negotiations were resumed on May 1, 1949 at the instigation and pressure of the United States. If it was not implemented, the Americans insisted that they would not provide assistance for post-war recovery against the Dutch.

To expedite the negotiations, the Indonesian side even had to bring Bung Hatta who was currently in exile in Bangka.

Besides Brother Hattaalso presented Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IXas the one in power in Yogyakarta, to emphasize his attitude towards the government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Until finally on May 7, 1949, an agreement between the Dutch and Indonesian parties took place and resulted in the Roem Royen Agreement.

Contents of the Roem Royen Agreement

The contents of the agreement that must be obeyed by both parties consist of seven points. Four points of agreement were agreed on 7 May 1949 and three other points resulted from the meeting held on 22 June.

The contents of this agreement are:

  1. First, the Indonesian Armed Forces must stop all guerrilla activities.
  2. The second point of the agreement is that the Government of the Republic of Indonesia will attend the Round Table Conference.
  3. The third point, the government of the Republic of Indonesia returned to Yogyakarta as the center of the temporary capital city.
  4. The fourth point, the Dutch armed forces will stop all military operations and release all prisoners of war and politics.
  5. The fifth point of the Roem Royen Agreement is that sovereignty will be transferred in its entirety.
  6. The sixth point, the Netherlands and Indonesia will establish an alliance on a voluntary basis and equal rights.
  7. And the last point is that the Dutch East Indies handed over rights, powers and obligations to Indonesia.

Post Roem Royen Agreement and Its Impact

After the agreement was approved, Soekarno and Hatta, as the founders of the nation, were freed from the status of political prisoners. On July 6, 1949, they returned to Yogyakarta, which was then the temporary capital.

who made the roem royen agreement

The agreement was then ratified on July 13 under the Hatta cabinet.

Sjarifruddin Prawiranegara who at that time had the mandate to become interim president of the PDRI (Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia) returned sovereignty to Ir. Sukarno on July 13, 1949.

A truce between the Indonesian and Dutch sides ensued. Until finally Indonesia participated in the KMB to resolve the problems of the two countries which were included in the agenda.

Thus a bit of history from the Roem Royen Agreement which had a big enough impact for the establishment of this nation.

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This incident became a historic event that later determined the sustainability of the Republic of Indonesia after the declaration of independence.