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Duties of BPUPKI and its Members (Complete)

BPUPKI's duties

BPUPKI can be formed to win the sympathy and support of the Indonesian people, so that they are ready to help in a war against a number of allies.

What is meant by BPUPKI? In this discussion, we will explain the tasks in BPUPKI which will be reviewed in full. Yuukk… Check out the full review as follows.

What is meant by BPUPKI?

BPUPKI is an agency that can be formed with Japan on May 29, 1945.

This agency has been established with the aim of receiving the support of the Indonesian people to help the Japanese nation by promising independence for the Indonesian people.

This panel was chaired by Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung (KRT) Radjiman Wedyodiningrat and his representatives named Raden Pandji Soeroso and Ichibangase Yoshio (Japan).

This body consists of 67 people. The mission of BPUPKI is to investigate and investigate the existence of an issue related to the economic aspect in politics, in government, and other matters needed to prepare for an Indonesian independence.

The Tasks of BPUPKI in Preparing for Indonesian Independence

bpupki and ppki tasks

This institution had been established during the Japanese occupation, when the Japanese came to Indonesia to commit to independence. This institution was founded on May 1, 1945.

In Japanese, BPUPKI is called Dokuritsu Junbo Cosakai. The purpose of establishing BPUPKI is to investigate and investigate the main issues related to the economy, policies and governance needed to achieve Indonesian independence.

There are 67 members in this institution, which was officially announced to the public on May 29, 1945. The chairman of BPUPKI is Dr. med. Rajiman Wedyodiningrat.

The duties of a BPUPKI institution include the following:

  1. Can discuss and formulate the Basics in the State of Indonesia.
  2. After the first session, the task of BPUPKI was to form a one-month recess.
  3. Forming a Committee and a Committee.
  4. The small or eighth committee, which has a task in hand, is to consider a proposal and the basic concept of member status.
  5. Support in Nine Committees and Including Small Committees.

The ninth committee has made a Jakarta Charter or it is included in the Indonesian language, namely the Jakarta Charter.

Session I and Session II of BPUPKI finally produced the Jakarta Charter. Its birth in a Jakarta Charter is closely related to the thinkers at BPUPKI.

The people who helped to form a nation’s philosophy is Soekarno, Moh. Yamin, Moh. Hatta, Wachid Hasyim, Agus Salim, AA Maramis, Abdulkahar Muzakir, and Abikusno Cokrosuyoso, who were members of the small committee and ultimately succeeded, in Jakarta to formulate the charter.

After the BPUPKI task has been successfully implemented, BPUPKI can be dissolved on August 7, 1945 and replaced by PPKI.

PPKI itself is an extension of the Indonesian Preparatory Committee for Independence, which in Japanese is called Dokuritsu Inkai.

List of BPUPKI Member Names

BPUPKI trial time

The following include several members in BPUPKI, including the following:

  • KRT Radjiman Wedyodiningrat (Chairman)
  • RP Soeroso (Vice Chairman)
  • Ichibangse Yoshio (Vice Chairman
  • Ir. Soekarno
  • Drs. Moh. Hatta
  • Mr. Muhammad Yamin
  • Prof. Dr. Mr. Soepomo
  • KH. Wachid Hashim
  • Abdoel Kahar Muzakir
  • Prof. Dr. PAA Hoesein Djajadiningrat
  • KH Ahmad Sanusi
  • H. Agoes Salim
  • Ki Bagoes Hadikusumo
  • AR Baswedan
  • Mr. AA Maramis
  • Abikoesno Tjokrosoejo
  • Mr. Achmad Soebardjo
  • KH Abdul Salim
  • Yep Tjwan Bing
  • Soekiman
  • Liem Koen Hian
  • Tang Eng Hoa
  • Oey Tiang Tjoe
  • Oey Tjong Hauw
  • Abdoel Kaffar
  • RAA Poerbonegoro Soemitro Kolopaking

Also read: Linggarjati Negotiations

BPUPKI which was established by the Japanese Occupation Government on May 1, 1945. The task of BPUPKI can be formed to win the sympathy and support of the Indonesian people.