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Definition, Structure, Function and Abnormalities

Hinge Joint

Definition, Structure, Function and Abnormalities in Hinge Joints. Have you been grateful for having joints in your body?

Yes, without joints in the human body, we will not be able to easily carry out daily activities such as sports, washing, cooking, typing, writing and so on.

Perhaps the discussion about joints is still rarely heard in our ears, especially when it comes to the anatomy of the body.

Hinge Joint

There are still not many discourses or reading material that explores the ins and outs of human joints. So, the existence of joints is still rarely recognized by many people because of the lack of knowledge of how important the role of joints in the body is.

Just imagine, in the human body there are 206 bones that must be connected to each other.

This means that if there are no joints, the bones in our body will float in the muscles without any binding elements.

The shape of the joint resembles a cushion between the bones. As with bones, joints also have different types.

The types are ball joints, hinge joints, rotary joints, saddle joints, shear joints and ovoid joints. Joints follow the shape of the bones in our body.

As discussed above, joints can help the body to actively move. However, not all joints can move. Therefore, joints are divided into 3 parts, namely rigid joints and movable joints.

The human body consists of many joints that have various functions to connect the bones in the body. This kind of relationship is called articulation.

This is what causes us to be able to move freely with any activity. Joints are flanked by cartilage which cushions the joints. Joints are also held together by ligaments which are strong and flexible materials.

Before the discussion gets wider, I will only limit the topic of one of the joints in our body, namely the hinge joint.

The hinge joint is one of the joints whose functions cannot be separated from one another. For more details, here are the definitions, structures, and functions of hinge joints that you need to know, including the following:

Hinge Joint Definition

Hinge Joint

Hinge joints or art. Throchlearis (ginglysum) is a connection between bones that allows one-way movement, in this case, forward or backward movement.

This joint consists of a bone entering the concave surface of the second bone, allowing for one-way movement.

The motion of the hinge joint is in the sagittal plane with the transverse axis. In this joint, the movement that occurs is usually called angular or angular movement, which is explained according to the direction of movement.

While the movement that can be produced by this joint is flexion and extension. Flexion is a movement to reduce the angle between two bones, such as bending the knees, bending the elbows, and bending the torso sideways. While extension is a movement that increases the angle between two bones.

Hinge Joint Structure

Hinge joints have structures that we need to know, including, the joint capsule which consists of a dense fibrous covering membrane, a layer formed from a network of blood vessels, a synovium that forms a sac and covers the entire joint and covers the tendon, and a bursa layer throughout the joint that forms the synovium. .

Hinge Joint Function

A hinge joint is a type of joint that functions to move the body in one direction only. In general, these joints can usually only be bent or straightened. This joint is the opposite of the saddle joint.

Hinge Joint Abnormalities

In general, there are several types of joint disorders. The types in question are as follows:

The first abnormality in the hinge joint is caused by germs. These germs make conore and syphilis infections that have the potential to attack the joints. So, the joints will experience stiffness or commonly known as joint wilting.

The second joint disorder is arthritis. Symptoms in arthritis begin when the joint becomes inflamed along with swelling, stiffness and difficulty in moving.

That’s a brief review of the meaning, structure, function and abnormalities of the hinge joint that the author can convey.

Hopefully this article can be useful for those of you who have read it. See you in the next article whose discussion is no less interesting than this one. That is all and thank you.