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Definition of Bandwidth, Functions, Types and How it Works

Definition of Bandwidth

Have you ever heard or know the term Bandwidth? Bandwidth is actually a term used to see how large the maximum transfer that can be done at one time in data exchange.

Usually the word bandwidth is very often heard when someone discusses VPS (Virtual Private Server). Even so, there are still many people who are not familiar with the correct term about bandwidth.

For this reason, so that you can get to know what bandwidth is, then you should listen to the following reviews regarding the meaning of bandwidth, functions, types and how bandwidth works.

Definition of bandwidth

Bandwidth is the maximum capacity of a communication line which is usually used to transfer data between the server and the client in just bps (bits per second).

Bandwidth Overview

Basically, bandwidth can be termed as the width of the highway, while the data that enters the communication line can be said to be the vehicle that crosses it.

For this reason, the greater the bandwidth and the small data flow, it can make data traffic smoother. On the other hand, if the bandwidth is small and the data flow is large, it can make data traffic slower and even stop.

Please note, this bandwidth measurement process uses units of megabits per second (Mbps). For this reason, if you have a bandwidth of 100 Mbps, the maximum data capacity that can pass through the communication channel is up to 100 Mbps per second. The greater the bandwidth capacity you use, the greater the volume of data that can be passed by the communication channel.

Bandwidth Functions in General

When viewed from its basic function, bandwidth serves to calculate how much capability is possessed during the data transmission process carried out by users or users. Not only has the basic functions, bandwidth also has several other general functions, such as:

As a data volume limiter

Bandwidth as a data volume limiter is very useful to overcome the amount of data that can be sent at a certain time. For example, you send data with a capacity of 2 GB for a delivery period of one month.

That way the data capacity will not affect the speed of internet access or the number of devices accessed. Even so, keep in mind that the maximum data capacity that can be accessed cannot exceed 2 GB in size.

As a data transfer medium

The function of bandwidth as a transfer medium or data sender is actually almost applicable to all computer networks. Well, in this case the bandwidth works as a medium or connecting line that can connect the process of sending data.

For example, to build a LAN network, you will need a physical LAN cable that is useful as a liaison between PC devices or computers with a LAN connection. Well, in this LAN cable there is also a path that can allow the process of transferring data from one computer to another.

As a data transfer limit regulator

The bandwidth function as a regulator of data transfer limits is very important to avoid fraud by internet users.

Basically, the bandwidth function is often applied by network administrators during the process of managing the network if there are users who access data or need more bandwidth.

For example, to be able to download or stream high-quality display (HD) videos, of course you need bandwidth with a large enough capacity.

For this reason, when downloading or streaming videos using large amounts of bandwidth, it will greatly affect other internet users, because it can make internet access speeds slower.

In addition, this function can also help users who will be connected directly to the network to be able to enjoy internet access at a fairly balanced speed.

For example, every internet user will get a data bandwidth limit of up to 120 Mbps. That way, when there are users who are streaming or downloading videos, they will not spend bandwidth that exceeds the limits that have been given or determined. This function is very important so as not to disturb other users.

Types of Bandwidth

Basically Bandwidth can be divided into two types, namely digital bandwidth and analog bandwidth. For more details about the types of bandwidth, you can listen to the following reviews, namely:

Digital bandwidth

Digital bandwidth is a type of bandwidth with the volume or capacity of data that can be sent through a communication channel, either via cable or wireless within a certain time which is calculated in bit units, and without distortion.

This type of digital bandwidth can be expressed in units of bits per second (bps). Please note, this type of digital bandwidth is usually often used by internet service providers (ISPs) in all corners of Indonesia.

Analog bandwidth

Analog bandwidth is a type of bandwidth with a frequency range that can be measured in Hertz or Hz. This is useful to be able to determine how much data or information can be transmitted at a certain time. You need to know, this type of analog bandwidth is generally very rarely used in the network world.

Getting to Know How Bandwidth Works

Bandwidth is one of the most important components in a hosting or network. That way all activities of sending or transferring data can be done quickly because of this component.

How Bandwidth Works

For this reason, it is said that bandwidth has a very important role in the data transfer process.

Regarding how bandwidth actually works, it is closely related to the bandwidth function. Basically, when internet users use a network, it can make bandwidth work better and of course according to its function.

In addition, the bandwidth capacity of the communication network will also affect the performance of the network, be it slow or fast. However, there are also several other factors that can affect network bandwidth performance, such as packet loss, latency and others.

Please note, when you connect to a bandwidth network, there will immediately be a set access volume limit. Generally, the greater the bandwidth that is set, the capacity of the data that can be sent or transferred becomes larger and of course faster.

Bandwidth is indeed very important to use to see the maximum capacity of data usage at a certain time. However, it should be noted that there are also several factors that quite influence bandwidth performance, such as the type of data transferred, computer server specifications, network topology you are using, how many network users, user or client computer specifications, devices used to electrical induction or the weather.

Therefore, if you have a problematic bandwidth, you can immediately check the problems that occur, so that the bandwidth can still work optimally and of course perfect.

Thus a brief review related to the definition of bandwidth, functions, types and how bandwidth works. Hopefully this review can be useful and increase your knowledge about bandwidth.