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Concept and Scope of History and Examples

Scope of History

Concepts and Scope of History and Application Examples – History is a past event that can be used as a lesson for the story that happened.

Be it a positive story or a negative story, the existence of history is evidence of a certain period.

The concept of scope in history is interpreted as a manifestation of the ability of reason to form a new picture that is abstract or unreal based on certain data or by understanding an existing study.

Scope of History

How is the division of the scope of history? Check out the following review.

4 Complete History Scope with Examples

History as an Event (history as event)

History can be said to be an event when it involves an important, real, and actual event. This history has happened in the past as an event that can be used as a lesson.

An important point in the scope of history as an event is the truth of the incident that happened in the past.

The scope of history is said to be an event when all events have a causal relationship to the present in the context of time, actors, and places that exist.

Thus, the existence of historical facts that can be used as evidence becomes another benchmark that underlies it. Examples of history as events that occurred in Indonesia as follows.

November 10 Battle
  • November 10 Battle
  • Battlefield Area
  • Battle of Bandung Sea of ​​Fire
  • G30S/PKI events
  • Indonesian Independence Event
  • The fall of President Suharto in 1998

History as a story (history as narrative)

The scope of the second history is history as a story. History can also come from stories in the form of narratives composed of memories, human interpretations, and impressions of past events. The stories presented can be in the form of oral or written stories.

One example of history as a story is as follows:

The Legend of Jaka Tarub
  • The Legend of Jaka Tarub
  • The story of Ken Arok building Singosari
  • The story of Nyai Roro Kidul with the setting of the Yogyakarta Mataram kingdom
  • The story of Abu Nawas who lived during King Harun Ar Rashid
  • The story of Ki Ageng Selo who can catch lightning
  • Legend

History as a Science (history as science)

history as science

The third scope of history is history as a science. This concept has become one of the most important areas of history.

This can be used as a reference about a science that occurs in society.

The history is arranged systematically following the reference of scientific study methods, then elaborated into rational thinking that is objective in order to obtain facts.

History as a science must have some scientific requirements. Anything?

Empirical Facts

Empirical comes from the Greek word empeiria which means experience. Actually history also depends on human experience.

The experience was recorded and documented along with other historical relics. after that the historian will cross-check to find a new fact.

Facts about Objects

The object of historical writing is a change or development of activities carried out by humans globally.

Because the object is related to humans, the science of history is categorized in the realm of the humanities.

According to General Theory

History must have a theory if it is to be referred to as a critical philosophy of history.

The basic scope of history as knowledge must be proven based on facts, so that it can be sustainable with the development of science, and can become a dynamic that can be learned for generations to come.

Generalization or general conclusion

History as a science must be based on general conclusions. This will be a pattern or tendency of a story that is lifted from a certain event.

However, historical conclusions must also be corrected and justified based on the relevant evidence.

Referring to the Scientific Method

The scientific method in question is a way of learning related to theme determination, heuristics (source search), verification (source criticism), interpretation (source interpretation), and hisotiography (historical writing).

Thus, all data must be valid in order to be scientifically justified.

History as an Art (history as arts)

history as arts

The fourth scope of history is history as art. This is included in the scope of history, because basically history also has aesthetic value, not only in the form of ethical and logical values.

Referring to this, history is considered as a story that requires intuition, imagination, emotion, and language style related to the historical artwork itself. Very interesting isn’t it?

The construction or description of historians of a certain event in the past certainly cannot be generalized with the actual event, because everything that is conveyed is only based on additional empirical data.

This requires the imaginative power of historians in stringing words into historical facts that can be enjoyed until now.

Therefore, it is not surprising that historians are like writers who have their own emotional flare in expressing their feelings towards certain objects so that readers can feel direct involvement with historical events that are conveyed both orally and in writing.

Examples of the scope of history as art can be seen in sculptures in a temple, statues in certain historical sites, reliefs in temple stones, wayang kulit, to the touch of regional dances that have developed in society. From there it will be seen an implied message about a past event.

With various explanations in the scope of history, it is hoped that it will be a guide for the community.

Basically, a history will be meaningless without other elements that follow.

The elements of space, time, and humans also play an important role in the existence of an event that is embedded in the fabric of history.

With history, humans in the next generation can take valuable lessons from the legacy data that occurred.