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ASEAN Emblem and Meaning (Complete)

ASEAN Emblem

ASEAN Emblem: Meaning and Symbol of Friendship Between Countries – It is common knowledge that ASEAN is one of the largest organizations in the Asian region.

Shortly after its formation, several people in the team in it made a symbol that was allegedly able to become a symbol for the movement from this Southeast Asian region.

The introduction of the emblem of the ASEAN organization began in July 1998 along with the ASEAN flag.

Had undergone several changes, finally on May 8, 2010 the symbol of the largest organization in Southeast Asia was officially introduced to the public and worldwide.

Thus, it is hoped that all parties can support and be witnesses to the goodwill of the brotherhood in the union of countries in the ASEAN region.

Special Meanings and Meanings in the ASEAN Emblem

Design from ASEAN symbol is a rice plant. This is because rice or rice is the staple food most commonly consumed by the people of Southeast Asia.

ASEAN Emblem
ASEAN Emblem

The meaning of rice is also widely associated with prosperity, food sufficiency, wealth, and a symbol of good luck.

Therefore, the decision to use the rice symbol was agreed upon by all member states who are representatives in the ASEAN organization.

The use of the rice symbol is not merely an accessory. The determination of the use of the symbol is also intended so that regions and countries in the Southeast Asian region can establish a friendship that is prosperous and peaceful like rice which can always provide benefits to others.

In the past, the symbol of ASEAN with a picture of 6 am bound together, considering that only 6 countries were members at that time. After the Asia-Africa conference, several other countries joined to become members.

The Symbolic Meaning of the ASEAN Emblem

Based on the images and symbols used in ASEAN symbol, it contains several underlying components. Beneath the picture of bound rice there is a red circle in the middle.

The Symbolic Meaning of the ASEAN Emblem

Under the rice stalks, there is a small letter ASEAN in blue helvatic type. In the red circle there is a dividing line in the form of a white and blue ring.

Each color presented is certainly related to the implied meaning in it. Both in the form of goals, desires, to the vision and mission of the organization that was formed for the benefit of the people.

The combination of red, blue, white and yellow are also the colors used by ASEAN member countries.

The following is an explanation of the meaning of the symbols and colors contained in the symbol of this Southeast Asian organization.

  • The blue color symbolizes peace, stability, and strength.
  • The red color symbolizes dynamism and courage
  • Yellow color reflects prosperity
  • The white color is likened to a holy brotherhood
  • Ten tied rice stalks symbolize the existence of 10 ASEAN countries that are members of friendship, brotherhood, and solidarity
  • The circle shape symbolizes the unity within ASEAN

Meaning of Colors in the symbols of the ASEAN organization

  • Blue: Peace, stability and glory
  • Red: Enthusiasm, dynamism, and decisiveness
  • White : Purity
  • Yellow: Prosperity and happiness
  • Rice clump ties: the wishes and hopes of the founding leaders of ASEAN for goodness in friendship and social solidarity among nations
  • Circle: Unity

ASEAN Member Countries

A number of countries are predicted to become founding father on the formation of the ASEAN organization. The five founding countries of ASEAN are the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.

ASEAN Member Countries

The formation has been around for several years, followed by other countries that joined, such as Brunei Darussalam which joined on May 7, 1984, Vietnam became a member on July 28, 1995, Laos joined on July 23 1997, Myanmar joined on July 23, 1997, and finally Cambodia on July 23, 1997. December 16, 1998.

The ten countries that joined then declared their vision and mission, making ASEAN symbol who are worldwide, use their rights and obligations to make a better contribution to the people. At that time the cold war was engulfing several countries.

With the establishment of the ASEAN organization, it is hoped that all members who are members can complement each other, can protect each other, don’t blame each other and bring each other down.

The joining of Indonesia since its inception has made it easier for our beloved homeland to access international information. It is also easy to establish internal cooperation with member ASEAN countries.

Not only that, Indonesia is also often used as a host in international level events such as SEA Games or ASEAN Paragames several times. This is a matter of pride for Indonesia.

Unity Is a Good Start

With the official announcement of the ASEAN symbol and its meaning, it is hoped that this will become a good basis for many of its members, especially for the people of each country in order to realize a significant and constructive change.

Association of Asean Countries

Not only give each other input and support towards the common good, the purpose of establishing this association organization in Southeast Asia is also proof that the strength of togetherness will not prevent each country from developing more than before.

In fact, some of the best suggestions will be to control a country that has not been able to develop itself to its full potential, so that it can open up new opportunities for progress in their country.

Motto of the ASEAN Organization

Within the body of the organization, not only in the form of ASEAN symbol made, but also has a motto that is no less interesting. The motto is “One vision, One Identity, One Community” if translated into One Mission, One Identity, One Community.

Motto of the ASEAN Organization
Motto of the ASEAN Organization

The motto is based on the desire of all its members for the purpose of increasing economic growth, social progress, and developing the country’s culture from the various sectors in it.

Thus, all members of the ASEAN organization have the opportunity to cross opinions about each culture in their country so that they know each other and understand better.

With such a big vision and mission, the ASEAN organization is expected to be a face to the world that this inter-country community in Southeast Asia is not a place to play games but as a forum so that all components and unity of 10 countries can go hand in hand, move forward together, creating good conditions. for the greater people.

ASEAN Emblem can be said to be one of the manifestations of the manifestation of peace in the Southeast Asian arena. The involvement of all countries in the region will also strengthen the previously established vision and mission.

Although it had undergone revisions, it did not change the values ​​and the main goal of this organization to continue to grow to be great.