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8 Elements of Fine Art and Examples of Pictures

Elements of Fine Arts

Fine art is defined as a branch of art that produces works of art in forms and qualities that can be felt by the human senses.

This means that the art can be seen and touched. In other words, fine art is a work of art that focuses on visual beauty that can be touched.

Fine art is discussed in more depth regarding its types to its constituent elements.

Types of Fine Arts

Fine art has two types of division, namely pure art and applied art.

Fine Arts

Pure art only emphasizes the beauty value of the work of art, without paying attention to the value of its uses and benefits.

The function of the work is only as a decoration with its beauty without being able to be used for daily activities.

Calligraphy – An example of pure art

Examples of pure art works include paintings, calligraphy, sculpture, graffiti, reliefs, and the art of photography.

Applied Fine Arts

Meanwhile, applied art is a work of art that is superior in terms of benefits and uses.

Artists who create works of applied art must consider the safety and comfort of the user in addition to the elements of the art that compose them.

Woven bamboo
Woven Bamboo – An example of applied art

Examples of works of applied art are handicrafts, pottery, kitchen utensils, batik cloth, and wickerwork.

Dimensions of Fine Arts

Apart from being distinguished by type, fine arts are also differentiated according to their dimensions.

2D Fine Arts

There is 2-dimensional art, namely the results of works of art that can be enjoyed from the dimensions of length and width only.

Examples of 2-dimensional works of art are painting, graphic art and relief art.

3D Art

There is another 3-dimensional art, which is a work of art in the form of a shape and a volume.

Examples of 3-dimensional art are sculpture, architectural art, craft art and ceramic art.

The discussion of fine art also continues on its elements. These elements of art form a work of art so that it becomes a unit that can be enjoyed visually and in real terms.

Elements of Fine Arts

In general, there are 8 elements that make up fine art, namely points, lines, fields, shapes, spaces, colors, textures and light and dark. This is a more detailed explanation of the eight elements.

1. Point

Elements of art (dots)

The point is the most basic and smallest forming element of art. The point is the starting point for the idea of ​​creating a work of art. In all works of art, this point element must be present.

From one point, other elements of art will be created until they reach the end of the manufacturing process and you can see the work of art that can be enjoyed.

2. Line

Elements of fine art (lines)

Many points are joined, then a line is formed. Lines are also referred to as strokes and have dimensions that are made in a certain direction.

In the elements of art there are several types of lines, ranging from long, short, thick, thin, straight, oblique, wavy, broken, vertical and horizontal.

3. Field

Elements of art (field)

A plane is produced by joining lines by bringing their ends together. This element produces several sides of a work of art.

In fine arts, there are several types of fields, namely quadrilaterals, triangles, circles, trapezoids, ovals and so on. Field includes elements that make up 2-dimensional works of art.

4. Shape

Elements of art (form)

The next art-forming element is form. Forms are part of the formation of 3-dimensional art.

This form is also one of the elements of art that can liven up the impression and provide the perfect touch and detail. Shapes make a work of art more perfect.

5. Texture

Elements of art (texture)

Texture is defined as a condition or nature of a work of art. Texture gives an impression that can be felt by the sense of touch, namely rough, smooth, slippery, porous, and the like.

There is a division in this texture element, namely pseudo texture and real texture. This division is also related to visual assessment or the sense of sight.

6. Color

Elements of art (color)

Color is part of the elements of art that will give a more lively impression. This color can also liven up the atmosphere such as happy, sad, angry, moody and others.

The combination of colors is part of the process of creating a work of art. A work of art with the right color combination will definitely be of great value.

7. Space

Elements of art (space)

In fine arts, the element of space has two properties, namely pseudo and real. In 2-dimensional works, space is artificial because it is only a depiction.

While in 3-dimensional artwork, space is real and can be felt directly.

8. Dark Light

Elements of art (dark light)

This light and dark element depends on the light intensity. This means that the greater the light intensity, the brighter it will be. On the other hand, the lower the light intensity, the darker it will be.

In 2-dimensional artwork, these elements are created based on gradients and color selection.

As part of art, fine art has a more detailed explanation of the meaning, types and elements of art itself.

All these explanations must be understood in depth if you want to produce a beautiful work. Art can never be separated from human life.