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7 Causes of Not Responding to Job Applications

Application letter

Here are 7 Reasons Why Job Applications Are Not Responded – When you graduate from school or college, of course you want to get a job in any field, but on the other hand, getting accepted into a company is not that easy because some people get hired right away and some people don’t.

Well, there are many reasons why your job application was not accepted or rejected by the company. In addition, sometimes you have been interviewed but there is no certainty that you will be accepted.

Application letter

In addition, he has also applied at various companies, either using email or cover letters, but there has been no call.

Generally, this usually happens when it’s trivial things that make HRD hesitate to call you to accept you and even have an interview.

Now in a company in the HRD section, you can receive hundreds of job applications or CVs, either via email or post and also delivered directly to the company.

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Even though you already have work experience or have made a good CV, of course there are things that make HRD indifferent to the application letter you sent.

7 Reasons Why Application Letters Don’t Get Replied

So, if you are curious, here are 7 reasons why your application letter was not responded to.

1. Using Non-standard Font Types and Sizes

Even if you send an application via email. Un application is nothing but an official one. So from that you have to make sure to type the contents of the email and the contents of the document with a standard type and font size.

If the font is too large or vice versa, the application you provide will look untidy. That way HRD will feel lazy about it.

Therefore you can use fonts Times new romance size 12. So that the application letter that you make becomes formal and also neat.

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2. Unclear subject in e-mail

As we already know that currently there are indeed many companies that use technology for job applicants to their companies using email, so that way you don’t have to print the various documents needed to be sent to the company.

But on the other hand, sometimes applicants often forget or ignore the details in the cover letter in the email.

Generally do not include a clear email subject in the email applying for a job. Therefore, don’t forget to include a subject in the email.

3. CV is too verbose and long

7 reasons for not responding to application letters, one of which is this one point. You also already know that a CV is a written letter about yourself such as personal information, achievements, work experience and so on to be included in the CV.

Well the longer it is, the better you are. But in general HRD likes a CV that is at most 2 pages and avoids writing a long-winded CV because the more you do this, the more indifferent HRD will be to reading it.

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4. Long Unemployed

This point can of course influence why you are not called to work. Because the thing that makes HRD interesting is the history of your work.

However, it is different from fresh graduates who are actually applying for a job for the first time. The problem is for those of you who have been unemployed for more than 5 months.

It would be nice if you had resigned at a previous company you could look for a side job so that later you can write it on your CV.

5. Abbreviating Words

In addition, shortening the word, including the cause of job application letters not being responded to, is certainly one of the fatal mistakes for job applicants.

Therefore, use standard words according to EYD when writing your application and CV.

In addition, the style or style of language in writing a job application certainly shows how serious you are in applying for a job. In addition, you must avoid long-winded words.

6. Applications Arrive at the End of the Deadline

Another reason for not responding to job applications is this one point. Postponing sending a job application is indeed one of the reasons why you are rejected.

This is of course a fatal mistake because for an HRD, if there is an application that has met the requirements, the application that will come later will not be ignored. Therefore, try to send applications as soon as possible.

7. Using Original Photo Passes – Random

To apply for a job, it is important to include a photograph. This should not be taken lightly.

Well, don’t let you include a passport photo carelessly because for an HRD, a photo pass is very important because using an appropriate and neat passport photo will certainly show your seriousness in looking for a job.

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Those are some things that can be conveyed about 7 causes of job application letters not being responded to.

Hopefully this will help you so that your application letter can be responded to and also accepted at the company you want.