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5 Ways to Make Hotspot Unusable by Others

How To Make Hotspot Unusable

When there is a free hotspot, that’s where people will flock to use the Hotspot even though you don’t know each other.

Especially if the Hotspot does not use a password. Guaranteed, if you are in a crowd, there must be an unknown device that will connect to the Hotspot.

Then the problem is, about how to prevent Hotspot from being used by foreign users?

It’s not a matter of being stingy or what, if it’s just one or two people, we can give access, if it’s more than that?

Moreover, we are users of limited quota, because nowadays it is rare for providers to apply unlimited quota, and even though there are certain limitations in speed (FUP).

Sometimes it’s true that those who “ride on wifi” don’t know themselves, they’ve been riding and downloading anime, streaming and updating applications again.

Although we can disconnect it easily using a wifi breaker application, on Android itself there are actually features to ward off this problem.

How do you think we can stay safe, comfortable turning on Hotspot without giving other devices the opportunity to connect?

Here are some ways:

How to Make Hotspot Unusable

The most important and most important is to provide a password on the Hotspot.

If your Hotspot has a password, even people who don’t know that password won’t be able to connect.

But what if those people know your password?

1. Limit Connected Devices

On Android there is already a feature to limit the number of devices that will be connected when tethering / hotspot is enabled.

Limit Connected Devices

We can take advantage of this, here’s how to prevent the hotspot from being used by others:

  1. Entered into Settings.
  2. Select menu Connection & sharing.
  3. Then select Portable hotspot.
  4. Continue to Connected devices.
  5. Choose Connected device limit.
  6. Choose 1 just.

What’s the use? So that only our devices can connect to the hotspot.

For example, when we connect our laptop, then with these settings there will be no other devices that can be connected.

2. Use a Strong Password

A strong password is one that is long and difficult to guess. If I may suggest, passwords using the symbols ($!%+%$+^+^!%+) are the best passwords that are anti-breakable by other users.

I don’t know how, but nowadays many people can crack passwords from just words or numbers.

It looks like they are using some kind of app to find out someone’s Wifi password or Hotspots password. So don’t be careless.

And besides strengthening passwords, change Hotspot security to WPA2.

There are 3 security options: WPA2, WPA and WPE. But choose WPA2 only.

3. Enable Mode Allowed Device

Disconnect other people's wifi

With this feature, you can choose which devices are allowed to use your Hotspot.

You do this by going to the settings menu, opening Hotspot and then the option ‘Mode Allowed Device’ or ‘Connect to Allowed Devices’.

Then enter the name of the allowed device along with the IP address and the things listed there. After filling in the device information, click save.

By enabling this mode, 100% unauthorized users will not be able to use your Hotspot.

But the trouble is if there are other users who want to connect, you have to add another device like the steps above.

4. Blocking Unwanted Devices

The next way to make Hotspot unusable is to block devices you don’t want to connect to.

Maybe you find the same device several times that is interfering with your Hotspot.

You just block/delete that person, permanently he won’t use Hotspot anymore.

You can do this by: entering the Hotspot User menu, then the screen will show any device that is connected to your Hotspon, after that click on the device and select ‘Delete/Block’.

It’s easy isn’t it? But this method can only be done if the device is connected to your Hotspot network.

5. Use Unique SSID on Hotspot

The SSID is the name your Hotspot network uses. On HP devices, they will automatically name the network as long as you haven’t named it yourself.

Naming is done by default by our own HP system is not good if left alone. Because the default SSID can be used by hackers to know the Hotspot password.

You should immediately name yourself with unique names such as: malinghotspot, No Shame, Free Capital, Our Hotspot, Coffee Shop and others.

Using a malicious SSID and insinuating Hotspot thieves can also help them rethink connecting to your Hotspot a bit.

There is also another way if you don’t want your Hotspot to be used is to turn off the Hotspot. Or another way to keep changing the password every day.

Also read: How to Overcome Hotspot Tethering Not Working

Does this way to make Hotspot unusable help? It should, yes, help.