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5 Causes of Slow Internet on PC and Solutions

Causes of Slow Internet on PC

PC/Laptop does not have a place to put the provider card. So that they can connect to the internet, they need a modem/mobile hotspot/wifi so that the PC can run on the internet. And maybe you often feel the condition where the internet is running slow or slow and want to fix it immediately. There are several causes of slow internet on a PC and how to overcome them based on the causes of slow internet.

Not only always from the provider connection that we use, sometimes wrong settings on the PC can also cause the connection to be slow. For example, installing the wrong driver, setting the apn modem incorrectly, setting the wifi wrong and so on. To be clear, here are some of the causes and solutions to overcome them.

5 Causes of Slow Internet on PC and How to Overcome

There are various causes, here are some of them.

Slow Internet Connection

The problem alias here is the provider card you are using. To make it clear what the cause is, try first to check the internet connection by opening CMD in your Windows and then typing ‘ping‘ in the CMD window.

Slow Internet Connection

After that, the data will appear telling you your internet speed. The smaller the connection shown, the better the internet speed. But if the connection or ping is large, then your connection will be slower and it could be a loss.

Solution: If your internet connection is low, set your provider or if necessary change to a new provider.

The Browser You’re Using is Wrong

Can browsers be the cause of slow internet? It could be. ‘Wrong’ is meant here is the browser you are using does not match the PC specifications.

PC Browser

Each browser has different specifications. If the browser is not compatible with a PC, as a result, the data loading process will take longer.

Use the best browsers like Chrome, FireFox, Opera Mini and the like for a faster and lighter connection. It is not recommended to use the uc browser because it is heavy and also has a lot of ads in it.

Solution: The fix is ​​to use a lighter browser. Or use a browser whose specifications match the PC you have.

Virus Affected PC

Computers are more susceptible to viruses than HP. Viruses that enter a computer device, can result in slowing down the speed of the internet.

Viruses will steal your data packets or information. Viruses that result in slowing internet speed for example are: Redirect Virus, Worms, Discusx.vbs, Blaster Worms, and My Doom.

The cause of slow internet on this PC can appear without us realizing it, but often these viruses can slip when we open unsafe download links, enter pornographic sites, gambling sites, viruses that come from USB, email and others.

Solution: Use an antivirus application on your computer. Its existence is very important and mandatory to maintain the health of your device.

You Enable Auto Update

Win Update Stop

Auto update is a feature where the computer device will update the application automatically when there is an internet connection connected. The internet connection that is used when used to download something can result in reduced internet speed.

The internet connection is also divided. It’s the same when we use cellphones, when downloading something, the internet becomes slow because it is used for 2 tasks at once.

Solution: Turn off auto update on PC. If you are a Windows 10 user, you can forcefully turn off the auto update feature with the help of the Win Update Stop application.

You Purchased the Wrong Internet Quota Package

When surfing the internet on a PC, the quota runs out faster and the speed used should not be small. What you move is a big device, not like a tiny phone.

The mention of “regular internet” speed uses the term Mbps (megabits per second). As for the other term, it’s called Kbps, but it’s under Mbps. It’s a good idea to use one that has a Mbps speed so that the speed is as we expect.

Solution: Using an internet connection with an internet speed of 10 Mbps is sufficient, the internet can run more normally on your PC device.

The cause of slow internet on a PC can also be due to bad weather, and inadequate bandwidth. Moreover, if you use a provider that implements FUP, after the FUP limit is reached, the access speed will decrease according to the rules that have been determined by the provider.