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17 Examples of Metaphors and Their Meanings [Terlengkap]


Metaphor – In general, figure of speech is often used in writing poetry, short stories and novels to enrich the artistic value in the sentences and so that readers are more interested without feeling bored.

The use of figure of speech requires a lot of practice to make it look more natural when read and not seem forced in the use of words or terms.


Before studying the meaning of metaphorical figure of speech and its examples more deeply, it’s a good idea to know the types of figure of speech briefly first.

The types of figure of speech are divided into four, namely comparative figure of speech, oppositional figure of speech, satire figure of speech and affirmation figure of speech.

Of the four categories of figure of speech, metaphorical figure of speech is included in one of the categories of comparative figure of speech which uses figurative words.

In literary works, metaphorical figure of speech is often used in the form of figurative words to complement the stylistic elements in the creation of a literary work.

Unlike other figures of speech, metaphorical figures of speech have special signs that are not shared by other figures of speech. This is important to know so that you do not mis-identify figure of speech in a literary work.

Definition of metaphorical figure of speech

metaphorical figure of speech is a figure of speech that describes something with a direct and exact comparison on the basis of the same or almost the same characteristics.

In terms of metaphorical figure of speech and other examples, metaphorical figure of speech is the use of a word or group of words that does not have a real meaning, but as a “figurative figure” based on similarities or comparisons.

Definition of metaphorical figure of speech

The characteristics of metaphorical figure of speech are the use of figurative words and there is a choice of words that equate something with something else.

In equating or comparing something, metaphorical figure of speech uses direct comparisons without being followed by comparative words such as the words like, bak or laksana.

Examples of Metaphorical Figures

So that you can better understand the meaning of metaphorical figure of speech and its examples, it’s a good idea to listen directly to examples of metaphorical figures of speech as described below:

Below is an example of a metaphorical figure of speech:

  1. Children are shoots nation who will become agents of change for this country.
  2. Si red rooster managed to devour almost all the housing in Depok.
  3. One of the good attitudes is to have good feelings humble.
  4. We must be able to learn to tolerant in accepting every test of life.
  5. People who wear glasses are often nicknamed Bookworm.
  6. Her smile is as beautiful as the morning dew refreshing.
  7. It takes hard work to be Golden Boy in the classroom by learning.
  8. A very hard life demands that the woman be night butterfly to increase income.
  9. Debate with people who that stone head useless because he will remain adamant and difficult to accept the opinion of others.
  10. Knowledge is window of world, light for all corners of the world.
  11. After traveling, it is obligatory to bring souvenir for loved ones.
  12. Mega’s beauty makes her village flower.
  13. A father works hard to be backbone for his family.
  14. The Internet is knowledge warehouse which helps consumers more easily access information.
  15. The Boi became class star because of his outstanding achievements in the national olympics.
  16. Corrupt is scumbag who should be treated worse than a thief.
  17. you are my heart mate which no one can replace.

The examples of sentences above have figurative words that have the meaning of comparing or equating something with something else.

The use of the meaning of metaphorical figure of speech and examples are used to beautify names or nicknames that give a poetic element to the sentence structure.