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10 Ways to Deal with a Job Interview for Beginners

How to Deal with a Job Interview for Beginners

For those of you who are novice job seekers, feelings of excitement mixed with nervousness and anxiety will often arise when you are about to face a job interview. Of course this will not be surprising because it is a first experience for you.

However, don’t let that feeling of nervousness and anxiety cause you to fail the interview. So, get rid of all those feelings and start to prepare yourself in the best possible way.

Also read: Interview Techniques

To help you prepare, here are some ways to face a job interview for beginners that you need to know.

10 Ways to Deal with a Job Interview for Beginners

1. Learn About the Company

Learn About the Company

When you get a call for an interview, you can smile happily.

But don’t be too happy that you don’t equip yourself with various things company information sufficient. So, study the company you are applying for as soon as possible.

Not only general information, but more details about the company you are applying for. Good to know through the official site and the news.

This is very important so that you can know the vision and mission of the company and how your skills can match what will be needed by the company.

2. Maximize Appearance

Maximize Appearance

One of the 10 ways to face a job interview for beginners is to maximize your appearance.

As a newbie who will come for a job interview, then you should not rule out appearance.

Don’t just come, but give the best and most attractive appearance possible.

Like wearing neat and clean clothes. Using clean shoes, styling hair neatly, and also wearing a little perfume so that body odor is disguised.

3. Make Eye Contact

Make Eye Contact

Another tip for dealing with a job interview for a beginner is to always maintain eye contact.

Give a look full of confidence but not a look of smug cockiness.

Eye contact that is quite intense when spoken to shows enthusiasm and confidence.

This can make the other person believe in what you say, as long as it is not excessive.

It’s different if you always avoid eye contact. Then it may give the impression that you are not sure what you have said.

4. Describe Yourself

Explain About Yourself

No matter where you are going for a job interview, the question of who you are will always come up.

This is very important to be taken into consideration whether you are quite suitable or not for the job. So tell us about your background.

How to deal with a job interview for beginners, including the education and skills you have, you must be able to explain briefly, solidly and clearly.

Don’t you talk nonsense. From this story, more or less the interviewers will be able to know and get to know your background.

5. Explain the Right Reason

Explain the Right Reason

The question that will often be given to applicants during interviews is what is your reason for applying for a job at the company.

The goal is that you can provide answers that are in line with the company’s vision and mission.

Give a reasonable and objective reason without appearing to be boasting or “licking” with a desire to be noticed.

Also read: Career Goals

If you do then don’t expect to pass the interview. But also don’t just give an answer, because just one word can affect your score.

6. Highlight Your Strengths

Highlight Your Strengths

Sometimes as a beginner you feel a dilemma when you have to be asked to explain what advantages you have.

When facing a job interview for beginners, it’s normal to feel nervous but try not to show it too much.

For that, know your various advantages that are suitable for all job positions offered by the company.

7. Express Weaknesses in a Balanced Way

Another way to deal with job interviews for beginners is to explain and honestly reveal what your weaknesses have been. Convey in a positive and balanced way.

For example, if you are weak in terms of time management, then briefly explain why.

Then continue with how you can deal with these weaknesses so that later it will not interfere with your performance in the company.

8. Answer in a relaxed but firm language

In addition, the way to deal with a job interview that must be done by a beginner is to be firm. Show this when answering any questions the interviewer will ask.

And, don’t forget to also answer questions, so try to always smile so that an optimistic aura radiates from your face.

9. Calm down and don’t be nervous

Calm down and don't be nervous

For those of you who have never had a job interview, it is natural to be nervous about coming. Let alone beginners, even experienced ones are still often nervous.

One way to increase self-confidence is to make careful preparation.

For example, by practicing speaking in front of the mirror, making sure you don’t arrive late on the D day, and also ensuring that all documents are brought without being left behind.

10. Come on Time

Arrive on time

Professionalism can not only be seen from the way you dress, but also from the way you value time.

Try not to be late on the D day of the interview. Because if you are late, you might be labeled as an undisciplined candidate.

Facing job interview activities for beginners is not easy.

However, the most important thing for you is mental readiness, trying to always be calm and also relaxed so that you don’t feel pressured.

Also read: General Administration Tasks

You should also pay attention to tips on 10 ways to face a job interview for beginners so that your interview activities run smoothly and successfully.