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10 Reasons for Entering Student Council that are Convincing and Appropriate

Reasons to Enter Student Council

School years, especially high school and middle school, are the most fun times. In addition to studying, we can make friends from various regions that we have never known before. This is why it is said that the school period is the best time and we will miss it later when we graduate.

School is the second place after home where we will spend a lot of time there with friends with jokes, laughter, jokes and other silly things. At school, we can also channel talents such as participating in volleyball, futsal, soccer, basketball and other sports clubs.

Those who like to organize can also join the Intra-School Student Organization or commonly known as OSIS. But not just any student can join in it, because there are special criteria and requirements so that students can enter it.

And for those of you who want to join the organization, there will be a number of questions that will be asked. One of them is the reason for joining the student council, and you must answer it correctly and convincingly. Here are some good reasons to use and to further convince yourself to enter the student council.

10 Reasons to Enter Student Council that is Right and Convincing

Many friends

Student council members consist of several people who come from different classes, therefore here you will meet many friends, both male and female.

Forming Cooperation

As we mentioned earlier, the student council members consist of several people from various classes which are arranged in a complete student council structure. So the role of cooperation is needed in this case in order to create a compact organization and can be an example for the next generation.

Honing Communication Skills

You will learn to communicate with many people, especially with other student council members, it will happen more often. There will also be many activities where you will make announcements to class and other things.

Forming Positive Character

In student council will help you form a positive character. How come? Because the members in it are people who have positive thoughts, so here it will direct you to make people who are always optimistic in positive thinking.

Hone Courage

In addition to forming a positive personality, the student council environment will also hone your courage. You will be more courageous and confident in all aspects. You will also be braver to speak in public, dare to have an opinion, make decisions and so on.

Idea Channeling

In OSIS what is needed is creativity, so here you can channel any ideas to make this organization more active. This is where you can propose anything that has been on your mind for example a program for students to be more active and develop their abilities.

Training Leadership

Don’t think that the leadership spirit will only be obtained by the student council president. However, we as members will also gain experience on how to be a leader in an organization such as carrying out our duties as the respective chief coordinator.

Practice Responsibility

As a member or chairman of the student council, you will have a responsibility. You must be able to take responsibility for the tasks that you already have. And this will indirectly hone your skills in your responsibilities.

Many Students Know

It is undeniable that joining this organization will make you more known by students. Especially when the inauguration will be witnessed by all students and teachers. On the positive side, you will become a popular student among your own friends and teachers.

Future Supplies

Becoming a student council member will give you a positive side to yourself that can be included in your resume later. This can be a provision for the future when you are going to register for school or want to apply for a job.

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You can use the reasons for entering the student council above to enter into any field, such as the field of entrepreneurship, public relations, arts, sports, state defense and other fields.