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10 Correct Answers During Interviews For Beginners

The Right Answer During Interview For Beginners

The first time we will be interviewed for a job, of course we will feel nervous, here are the right questions and answers during an interview for beginners.

A job interview is a form of self-introduction from a job applicant, besides that this is done so that the company knows how far you know the field to be entered and how serious you are going to have a career in it.

Many novice job applicants feel nervous and afraid at this early stage, especially for high school graduates and equivalent, with minimal knowledge maybe some of you will feel afraid of not being accepted.

Everyone has their own style of answering. You don’t need to be stuck with the following answers, instead you can take examples and learn about how to give the right answer during an interview for beginners. If you feel that the following answers are not quite right, it means that we have different thoughts.

Also read: Fresh Graduate Job Interview Questions

Please understand, everyone always has their own opinion. And here are questions and answers that are often asked during job interviews for beginners:

Try Describing Yourself Briefly

psychology interview questions and answers

Briefly describe yourself, this is a self-introduction session and also mention your recent education.


“My name is Lala from Banten. I am a graduate of Economics who graduated in 2015, but I chose to pursue the world of writing which I really like.

At first, I wrote for a client that I got from several marketplaces that provide side job vacancies. While serving clients, I’ve also had novels and ebooks that you can download on the PlayStore.

After getting enough experience, I want to join your company so that I can further explore my writing skills and produce better content in the future.”

What is Known About This Company?

This is a question that is quite important considering that a job applicant must know the place or company he is going to. So this question will most likely arise to find out how well the prospective employee understands the company’s vision and mission.


“Although I don’t fully know about this company, most of what I know is that this company is engaged in technology and has been around for 10 years. Has advantages and also a myriad of achievements in the last few years.

Why do you want to work at our company?

The company has started to seriously want to know whether you are serious or not to work at their company.


“I want to be a more productive person after being a freelancer for so long.”

“I see that there are shortcomings in your company, and I feel challenged and interested to be part of your professional company.”

“I want to contribute to the progress of your company. I like the work culture of this company, and at the same time I am looking forward to a brighter future.”

Also read: How to Deal with a Job Interview for Beginners

What are your Strengths and Weaknesses?

List all the advantages you have, but don’t make it up. For shortcomings, please mention only one.


“I am honest, trustworthy, trustworthy and able to work in a team. My weakness is that I wake up late in the morning, but I will try not to wake up late from now on.”

Are You Able To Work With Other Members?

the right answer during the interview for beginners high school graduates

The company is a place where there are many employees who work there, of course we will not work alone but as a team. So make sure you’ve learned about good teamwork.


“Ready to do it! I’m used to working with other people, so it’s not a big problem working in a team because my life is full of social activities between people.”

Can You Work Under Pressure?

Most companies do implement a hard work system to achieve the targets they have set. So they will choose employees who really want to advance the company.


“Yes, I can. Because the work that I carry is already my responsibility. As long as the job is not outside of my obligations, then I can do it.”

How do you react when you receive criticism?

His name is also human, of course, he will receive some criticism from superiors for the work they do. From that we must continue to improve ourselves to be more developed.


“Every criticism has a constructive purpose. I will gladly listen and correct so that I can move forward and not walk in place with the mistakes that I have made.”

What is your attitude when faced with a big problem?

The company certainly wants to know how when they experience a big problem about what you will do about the problem.


“First I will find the root of the problem, then try to fix it. Somehow, I can’t explain in detail because I don’t know what the problem is. To be sure, I will not let go and pretend not to see the error. I promise to be responsible.”

What are your plans for the next 5 years at this company?

They want to know how far you think about the future of the company as well as your career path within the company. Answer smartly and try to put the company’s progress first.


“I want to continue to grow and develop. Scored various achievements, advancing the company where I work and I would like to hold a high position from my starting position now if you are willing to accept me work here.”

For Beginner Size, How Much Salary Do You Want?

At this stage they want to know how much payment or salary they want. For this, please answer according to the position you will occupy.


“I hope to be paid according to the salary standard for my position. For the nominal salary, I want Rp 5 million per month.”

Also read: Have an interview but haven’t been called to work?

You can refine the right answer during the interview for beginners to make it more acceptable to HRD. Please take advantage of the example answers above and adjust them to the company you are applying for, good luck.