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10 Answers When Asked in an Interview Career Goals

Career Goal Interview

Maybe a row of 10 answers when asked in a career goal interview is not very important in ordinary days. However, of course this will change if you are or are planning to apply for a job in the near future. This information will become one of your mandatory reading materials.

The interview session in the stage of applying for a job is a very decisive moment in whether someone is accepted or not in a company.

The company seeks to find out as much detail as possible from applicants in this session. However, not a few people feel awkward and confused when sitting in an interview session because of the lack of preparation.

Preparing answers in the interview session is not a difficult thing to do. With easy access to information, you can find out online or in books about the majority of questions asked in the interview session.

By figuring out the questions and preparing the most appropriate answers, you can anticipate difficult times in the interview session.

Career goal This is one of the most frequently asked questions by companies. This question indicates how motivated the applicants are to work for the company. Whether it’s to ask the career goals of women and men.

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If you are still confused by the answer, you don’t need to worry. Here are 10 answers when asked about personal and professional career goals that you can read.

10 Ways to Answer a Career Goals Interview

1. Start Answering with Short-Term Goals

Of the 10 answers when asked about career goals, you can start by briefly outlining your short-term goals at the company.

This will show that you are familiar with the position you are applying for and the responsibilities in it. It will also make your description of your long-term career goals sound more logical.

What you have to remember is not to give short-term goals in detail. You just need to explain the outline because the question about career goals is basically asking about your long-term goals in the company.

Here are examples of answers to long-term career goals:

“In the near future, I hope to join the company that you lead and occupy the position of Sales Representative to serve consumers well. 5 years after I worked in that position, I see my career is in the position of…”

2. Saying Clear Targets about Career Achievement in the Company

Once you have provided an overview of your short-term goals, you can immediately state your career goals at the company. You not only have to provide a target for achieving your career in the company, but also target when you will achieve that achievement. This answer will show that you have a clear vision of your career in the company.

However, the thing to remember is that you should have done a little research beforehand. You must find out the average time it takes someone to reach a certain position in the company.

If you are targeting a manager position (for example) and you say you will achieve it in 1 year (whereas the usual time is 5 years), then you are likely to be branded arrogant. Examples say true career achievements, for example:

“I believe that I will be in the position of Senior Manager within 5 years”

3. Explaining the Way to Reach That Career Path

Of course you can’t just daydream about career achievements in the next 5 or 10 years. You have to be realistic by explaining how to reach that career ladder. Here’s an example:

“Indeed, a 5-year process is not a small amount of time. But I believe I can achieve the target because I will adapt well in my work environment. In addition, I will also be part of a company that works actively and productively”

4. Shows How Well You Know the Company

This is where a little research on the company you are applying for will pay off. By showing the character of the office in answering company questions, your answers will be interesting and stand out in the eyes of the interviewer. Place a moderate emphasis on the positive aspects of the company. For example:

“I believe that I will be in the position of Senior Manager within 5 years. However, if the facts say otherwise and I still have to be in the same position, I will still be excited here because I know this company is very good at developing its employees”

5. Accepting Challenges and Obstacles at Work

Every company certainly wants to have employees who don’t give up easily when faced with challenges and obstacles in their field of work.

Clear career goals will be in vain if you don’t show that you are the type of person who can really work hard. By expressing readiness, you show the qualities of yourself and mentally strong. Examples of what you can say:

“I am ready to face challenges and obstacles in the process of achieving my career goals because that way I will be able to learn and get closer to my targeted career goals”

6. Show Commitment

Demonstrating commitment is one of 10 answers when asked in an interview which career goals you should emphasize. Commitment is what keeps you in the process towards your achievement targets in the company. When you have a commitment, all obstacles and challenges in your work will be able to pass.

Commitment is one of the main parameters of professionalism at work. This will also convince the company that you are serious about applying for the job and not make the company a stepping stone on your career path. Here’s an example:

“In my opinion, work is like a relationship. To be lasting and provide benefits, dedication and commitment are needed. Without it, it would all be over in no time.”

7. Offering Contributions to the Company

Although career goals tend to focus on your vision as an employee, don’t get caught up in the stigma that you are the center of focus here.

The company certainly does not prioritize your career targets. They certainly care more about which employees can contribute highly to the company.

You’ll catch the interviewer’s attention if you manage to realistically offer a company contribution.

There is no need to offer sky-high contributions. Just provide a realistic concept that is easy to accept, but provides benefits to the company. For example:

“I will contribute more to this company. I will try my best to become a profitable company investment. I will create a dynamic yet productive work environment.”

8. Open to Criticism and Suggestions

Showing that you can accept criticism and suggestions will certainly be beneficial for career development as well as for the company.

Although it is not easy, but by being open about it, you will learn a lot from the mistakes and opinions of colleagues and superiors. For example:

“For me, criticism and suggestions are the foundation so that I can continue to rise in life and work”

9. Opening Up to New Insights

The company will certainly favor employees who always want to learn new things. This character, of course, in addition to supporting a career, will also bring positive values ​​to the company in the end.

The new insights are not only about science, but also various soft skills in social relations. The statement can be expressed as follows:

“Learning new things is something that anyone should do because it will increase their knowledge. By joining this company, I believe I will be able to add a lot of insight into my work and life.”

10. Show a Good Personality

Of course, the company will only accept employees with good character. The interview session is a good time to show your good character.

However, there is no need to explain your character in detail as this will show that you are focusing on yourself in this session.

Just put emphasis on certain characters, such as being responsible, willing to learn, and passionate about work.

“If I join this company, I will give positive energy and be responsible for all the obligations that are given to me”

The essence of the interview session about career goals is to know the company and the position you are applying for, explain what you know, and target your career position in the next few years.

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You don’t need to be afraid and hesitant when answering if you have prepared these 3 things. Moreover, if you have finished reading the information about 10 answers when asked about career goals, you will go through the session calmly.

So that’s it, above examples of career goals and a summary so that you can understand career goals and how to achieve them in a workplace.