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This Teenager Was Found Critical While Playing Online Games, How come?

Illustration of teenager playing online game in front of computer

Illustration of teenager playing online game in front of computer

GridGames.ID – Online games have indeed become one of the things that are favored by many people today.

Starting from children, teenagers, to parents, not a few who like to play online games.

But behind the popularity of online games in today’s era, there are negative impacts that are often very detrimental to people.

In fact, not infrequently the negative impact of online games ends in death.

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As recently happened in Madhya Pradesh, India, a 19-year-old teenager died after playing an online game.

The teenager named Deepak Rathore did not die immediately, but was first found in a critical condition while playing an online game.

Of course, this adds to the list of victims who are negatively affected by online games.

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Then, what is the chronology of the incident?


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