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Sony Boss Will Launch Playstation Games on Mobile Devices

illustration of playstation games on mobile devices


illustration of playstation games on mobile devices

GridGames.ID – Some time ago, there were rumors about Playstation games on mobile devices.

Now rumors of Playstation games on mobile devices have been completely answered by one of Sony Entertainment’s executives named Jim Ryan.

Launching from, Jim Ryan revealed that Playstation is currently exploring the market on mobile devices with games franchise Playstation.

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Jim Ryan revealed a statement on the plan to launch Playstation games on mobile devices at the company’s marketing strategy meeting.

Playstation plans to increase the company’s profits by bringing its popular games on mobile devices.

“Content developed by Playstation Studios over the last 25 years has created a wealth of IP and provided the PlayStation console with an immersive gaming experience,” said Jim Ryan at the company’s marketing strategy meeting.

“We’ve been thinking about how players enjoy our content and have had some early success experimenting with games and mobile apps to give gamers more choice,” continued Jim Ryan.

Also Read: Jim Ryan Wants To Make PS5 More Exclusive Than Other Console Versions


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