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Jose Mourinho Calls Fortnite Bad For Football Players!

GridGames.ID – Recently, famous football coach Jose Mourinho expressed his opinion regarding the bad impact of games on footballers.

Jose Mourinho’s opinion is targeting a popular game that is also played by many people.

Obviously, Jose Mourinho thinks about the bad impact the game Fortnite has on football players.

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Jose Mourinho himself expressed his opinion that there is a basis and not without reason.

The 58-year-old man who is currently occupying the manager’s chair of the Italian league club, AS Roma, experienced and felt the bad effects of the Fortnite game firsthand.

Especially towards his players, Mourinho said that many of his foster children were badly affected by this Fortnite game.

Therefore, Jose Mourinho also said to the public that the Fortnite game had a bad impact on football players.

Then, what is the bad impact of the Fortnite game on footballers according to Mourinho?


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