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Solution Cannot delete a file on the computer

Solution Cannot delete a file on the computer

Have you ever come across a file that cannot be deleted no matter how many times you press the button Clear, but the file was not deleted successfully. Of course, it will frustrate the mind and wonder how to delete the file.

There are several things you can do to overcome this. Because in this situation, not only one factor is a symptom. Take some of the steps in this article slowly and then the file will definitely be deleted successfully.

Before proceeding with the steps, however, the first thing you should know is that Windows system files are usually protected from deletion. Because if the system files are deleted, the operating system will be damaged. So make sure you don’t try this time Delete system filesbecause it is very unlikely to be successful.

1. Close the program

Often times, files that cannot be deleted are caused by a program using the file. Windows is preventing the removal process because there is a malfunction in the running program.

And the easiest way to fix the problem is to close the program and then try again to delete the files. However, if you don’t know which program is the bottleneck, you better close any programs that are currently running.

Also Read: How To Beat Applications Stuck On PC (Safely)

2. Close Windows Explorer

If closing the entire program still doesn’t fix the problem, the next thing you can do is close Windows Explorer. While it is an important program for the system, it is safe to close for now.

First, drag the files you want to delete onto the Desktop. If so, then press the button CTRL+SHIFT+ESC. Please go to the tab Processes and search explorer.exe, then press the button. End Task. Here is an example image.

Close Windows Explorer

After Windows Explorer has been closed, please delete the files that were previously on the desktop. If it is true that Windows Explorer is blocking the file from being deleted, then the above method will surely work.

And getting Windows Explorer up and running again is very easy. In Task Manager, click the option file > new task, and enter Researcher, then press the button OK and done.

3. Restart the computer (REBOOT)

Another thing worth trying is restarting the computer. By restarting the device everything is completely clean. As if there was a stubborn program before that that couldn’t be closed, restarting the computer would also fix this.

In most cases, Reboot can fix all kinds of errors. It doesn’t really make sense, but it actually works. That also applies to films skyscraper.

4. Delete files in Safe Mode

This is the final method that is considered to be the most effective. If none of the above methods work, the last option is Delete this file through Windows Safe Mode. By implementing this step, any files previously locked by a program or another will be free and can be easily deleted.

Before doing that, please read the article How to Enter Safe Mode on Windows. And now if the situation is in Safe Mode, the final step is to try to delete the file. The success rate with this step is very high and 99% certain that it will work.

Some of the above steps will definitely solve the problem you are currently facing. And as a suggestion, start with the first one for better results. All of the above methods are not risky, so you don’t have to worry about trying them out. And if you have any questions, feel free to comment.

Hopefully useful and good luck