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Overcome the phone suddenly turns off when using the camera

Problems with Android phones can happen at any time, be it related to the apps area or even important things like the camera. Since the camera function is very important on a mobile phone, users need to fix the problem right away.

In some cases that occur on Android phones, the camera application may not be able to open. But what if the phone suddenly turns off automatically when you open the camera or take a picture.

This is experienced by many Samsung phone users, but it is also possible that every Android phone has the same problem. And to overcome this there are several ways that can be tried.

1. Know the cause of the sudden shutdown of the phone

Knowing about the factors of the cell phone suddenly dies

Find out in advance what factors are causing this problem. For example, if the user opens the camera, the camera is still open or the phone just turns off. And if the phone turns off immediately, the problem may be with the data Camera application in the system.

The phone only turns off when the button is pressed Clasp, and it is possible that the problem is on corrupt or an error with the settings of the camera app.

Do simple experiments such as: B. with other settings. For example activate flashlight when shooting and vice versa. Use effects and see if the problem is with the front, rear, or both cameras.

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2. Delete data in the camera app

Delete data in the camera app

Try this method to make sure that the Camera app corrupt on the side of the stored data. And users don’t have to worry about all of the photos that were previously taken NO will be deleted.

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Tap on Menu Aplikasi.

  3. Look for the phone’s default camera app.

  4. Scroll down and press the button Hapus Data

  5. A notification will appear, please click YA

After clearing the data, try again to open the camera app, does the phone still turn off? If so, move on to the next method.

3. Use other camera apps

Use third-party camera apps

Try installing a third-party camera app from the Play Store. One of them is like Camera MX. When you can use the application normally so that the phone does not suddenly turn off. It could be that the problem is actually from the camera application on the system.

4. Reset to factory settings

Reset the phone to factory settings

This method is very powerful and guarantees that you can solve this problem right away. As there could be an error on the system side, this relates to the camera application. But know beforehand that a factory reset will erase all phone data including contacts. For this, it is best to back up important data first.

Also Read: Tips Before Resetting Your Phone Without Losing Contact And So On

If this method still fails, it means there was an error with the camera application on the system and not the data page. While factory reset will only erase data and restore settings like it was a new phone, it doesn’t mean a full repair.

For these issues, users can do the following right away: Flash firmware to his cell phone. And this is the final option that users can do independently and that has a greater chance of success than any of the methods above.

However, it is highly recommended that you start with the first method because who knows, the obstacles are not as bad as expected.

Hopefully useful and good luck