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Negative effects of using external cheats in a game

Cheating in a game is a very bad thing, especially if it is an online game then there is no fun to be felt. Over time, if users keep cheating on different games, they lose the appeal of the game itself because it feels boring.

It’s different, if you never cheat the game then the game flow will be a little different and make players feel that there are challenges that need to be solved one day. However, it turns out that there are negative things that can happen when users use cheats downloaded from a website.

For example the Point Blank game cheat, Crossfire or whatever, what makes it a little scary is that the players are expected to do it Temporarily turn off the antivirus program because the cheat file is considered malicious software.

Negative effects of using external cheats in a game

When antivirus programs are disabled

It doesn’t matter if the user downloads the cheat file from a trusted website that doesn’t contain a virus. But it’s different again if you download carelessly or try to download it immediately without knowing the rules, which will lead to irregularities later.

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And when the antivirus is turned off, there is usually still one barrier, which is Windows Defender and when it is also turned off, there is no security whatsoever on the computer. So that the cheat file can do what it wants, e.g. B. add a keylogger or anything else intended for the system.

It’s the same as downloading the keygen file, even cheat files usually tell you to download the keygen file too run in administrator mode. This allows the cheat file to automatically get into all system directories without further notification or even manage everything on the computer, including deleting or adding new data.

The cons of using game cheats

If the user has read something above, it can be concluded that what is being shared now is a bit scary. But I don’t want to scare you into using the cheat file as long as it is safe for computers and the user should at least be familiar with the cheat provider’s website. Here are the negative things that come from using excessive external cheats.

  • Computer instability – Usually the device gets slightly hot or the CPU just keeps going up and it can be said that some bug is creeping into the background of the device that is constantly doing something to keep the computer working.
  • Infected with adware – While adware is not that dangerous, it can consume internet quotas as the device does it automatically load to the adware server and download something or suddenly show a banner on the screen.
  • Game account blocked – The most popular disadvantage of cheating an online game is that your account will be banned and cannot be revived. This is one way to deter users and not do it again.
  • Infiltrated keylogger – If the device has been compromised by a keylogger, the security of the user is no longer secure when visiting a website on the Internet. For example, when a user tries to log into a Facebook account, the password and all information is sent to the hacker’s server through a keylogger embedded in the device.
  • Cannot access a website – Usually there is a cheat that names everything in the file. clears host which file is the connection path how Firewall. They put a lot of urls there so that users can’t revisit the website unless they reset it.
  • A file in this game can be corrupted – Not using cheats has an effect on corruptIt is a file that is in the game directory that is to be manipulated. If a file is specified corrupt, the user may no longer be able to play it unless the game is reinstalled.

That is everything I know. And the only way to prevent the above is to never cheat the game again and play normally like everyone else.

Tips for being a normal gamer

It is true that the word cheat in virtual games is something that feels very comfortable because it can do what we want. But that will only destroy the thrill of the game and get out of the game faster.

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Just like normal players, if there are people who cheat, the feeling of the game will disappear and want to switch to another game quickly. Here I am giving a few tips so that users can Feel at home Become a normal gamer without having to switch to another game.

  • Leave the room if there is a cheater – This one solution is the best way to reduce the profits of these scammers who are always mercilessly killing users.
  • Report directly to GM – If the user is very angry with a cheater, this can also be reported on the website of the game provider. Usually they offer a live chat function and users can report from there.
  • Stay calm and focus on the level – Most of the cheaters are at a low level and the GMs are only caught at the high level. So users stay calm because one day when the level is high, they will never meet such a scammer again.

The bottom line is to keep calm about being normal gamblers, these scammers will be hit by the GM soon. There is no need to scold the GMs, because they are constantly checking and every game has to have gaps that cannot be overcome with a single glance.

Hopefully useful and good luck