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How to overcome all lost codes in Notepad ++ due to crash

How to Recover All Lost Codes in Notepad ++ Due to Crash

Edit something in Notepad ++ for a long time and suddenly the program has a problem, that is crash and all of the previously written code has somehow disappeared. This is very annoying of course and all we can do is blame this Notepad ++.

However, users need to know that because of the problem, this problem cannot be from Notepad ++ either crash it doesn’t happen very often. The point is that this is just a PC device malfunction, both from the task manager, which seems to be suddenly Does not react or others who are familiar with this editor program.

Entire code lost in Notepad ++

Somebody has to strive to fix the problem by knowing where all of the previously entered code has gone. However, this also seems to depend on the luck factor. Because not everyone presses often CTRL + S when switching the code.

By pressing the button steering and S. on the keyboard saves the file in a temporary file on the system. This temporary file is located in a safe directory so that even if the Notepad ++ program crashes at any point, users don’t have to worry.

Also read: How to create a system restore point in Windows 7

Recover lost code

As I said above, it depends on the luck factor. Why? Because not all of the code the user enters goes into this safe directory. However, if the user does it quickly, the lost code can still be recovered.

Temporary files in Notepad ++ have a time limit so they are not saved forever. Because of this, not all files can go to this safe directory and depending on when the user is encountering this error. Just see how below.

  1. Click START and enter Run then ENTER.

  2. Displays a small dialog, write it in the column in the small box.


    Then press the button OK.

    Recover lost codes in Notepad ++

  3. Will be directed to Windows Explorer, exactly in the safe directory I mentioned earlier. Recently, some files have been backed up successfully. And to find lost user files, just search using this format.

    [email protected]

    The format is like this, so the filename can be the same as the filename that the user changed previously. Coupled with the date and time the file was last edited.

    Recover lost codes in Notepad ++


The conclusion from the above method is that just memorizing the name of the file being transferred is enough and the code is gone. If it is still there, it means the user is still lucky as the backup file was not deleted from the system. If you have deleted the character, no file name is searched for.

Also Read: How To Repair C: Full Drive On Windows

The faster the user deals with it, the more likely it is that all of the lost code can be recovered. It’s the same as Cache in your browser that disappears over time and doesn’t last forever.

Hopefully useful and good luck