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How to identify websites that have been hit by a Google penalty

Google logo 2021

Creating a good website can certainly take some time, but filling the existing content takes a long time. There are also websites that share unclear content that will feel the consequences when the website is almost 1 year old. There’s no risk in building a website as long as you do normal things and always share helpful or meaningful content that can be called a website. Even if you look at the many restrictions that there are on search engines, people don’t have to agree, but sometimes there are people who always argue with every condition and that makes the problem a lot bigger.

Search engines are easier to attract visitors, and many people want the website to look good in the eyes of search engines for existing visitors. Actually there is a point, as long as the website owner does not use a too exaggerated template, for example a very large size for only one page, then install autoplay music, of course it is very annoying for the visitors. And if you take a closer look, Website owners fear if their website suffers a penalty given by search engines as all visitors come from search engines so you will have to repeat website creation all over again.

I admit that I myself have affected by punishment and at this point I am still cautious because everything that looks strange on the website is also seen in search engines, for example the server is down, then the googlebot cannot search the website perfectly, then 404 error, needs to be fixed immediately So that the website does not appear to contain junk content that is still indexed on search engine pages. Since the website I manage currently only has visitors from the search engine, which is Google, I keep making a better website and always analyzing it once a month in the Google Search Console.

In my own estimation, there has to be a website every week that is penalized by Google for flooding other websites with new visitors. I have proven this myself on all the websites I manage, it takes about 3 months for the visitors to be more stable with quite a lot of content, and when the content has about 1000 pages then the website can be developed a lot with a lot of visitors. Optimization by Google it doesn’t have to be often, just a prefix, because if you’re constantly looking for backlinks, pinging and the like, then there’s no point.
There are many factors that lead to a website being penalized by Google, this can be felt in visitors who suddenly drop drastically and decrease over the course of the day until there are no more visitors from Google. How to find out if a website is being penalized or vice versa!

  1. Visitors less than 80% – This is what I am prioritizing because it is very clear that an 80% drop in visitors could be caused by a Google penalty. But don’t be discouraged, it could have something to do with the server down that day.
  2. Content has been removed from the SERPs – Please enter “site: website.tld”, please replace website.tld with the URL of your website. If there is a DMCA violation that suggests that some content has been removed due to a violation, this will penalize the site positively
  3. Website is no longer displayed in the first order – Please clear the cache and cookies in the browser and then try to search for the title on the website, for example the title of the article. Is the website still on the SERP or is it very difficult to find? Normal websites experience only a slight decrease, as opposed to a penalty which decreases significantly.
  4. The email from the search console contains a message – Anyway, Google continues to notify that the written site address did not violate all of the messages sent by Search Console, but there will be a special statement violating Google webmasters checking and considering unnatural links can be dragged as garbage.
  5. Website not found on google at all – This is the last, and arguably the deadliest, as the site disappears instantly and it seems it has never been crawled. But if you type “site: website.tld” it will still show up and look like it was not updated during the crawling process.

Please consider any of the above, if you experience it, it means the website is dying on google and is the most powerful way out of the past Change the website to have a domain www. This has been shown to be effective as websites that were previously not indexed can recover as if nothing had happened, but the chances of success are only 60% so I’m not saying it works perfectly or not at all that way . And there are those who say to overcome it by changing the title of the article. If the main title is followed by a website title attribute that uses the “-” character / symbol, it will be placed in “|” changed.

Here I am not sharing the procedure to recover a penalized website as there are currently different names of penalties which are very malicious when websites are raided full of junk or unimportant content. But to avoid this, it is very easy to create articles in good language and use symbols like exclamation marks, commas, periods, questions and others according to the discussion in the article. And don’t index pages that aren’t important, such as search pages, tags, and redirects, because This type of page is not of good quality in the eyes of Google, making it difficult for people to find its meaning. If you have anything to ask, please comment

Hopefully useful and good luck