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How to enable Flash Player in Opera PC browser

Flash content that normally appears on websites is used for many things, which of course with Flash content adds functionality to the website and one of them is playing videos. Play videos with Adobe Flash Player It’s pretty fast and stable even most of the websites that are used to send Live broadcast Also use Adobe Flash Player, Youtube is no exception.

If the Flash plug-in is already available in most browsers activated automatically if the user has installed the Adobe Flash Player program. The problem is that some browsers still cannot use the flash plugin to run on the site, including Opera. In fact, Opera also has settings to enable this plugin or requires permission every time there is a website that displays Flash content.

But even if the user has set the Flash plugin to remain active in the privacy settings, this Flash plugin does not work completely and still requires confirmation every time Flash content is to be opened. And maybe it doesn’t appear on some websites either Streaming and the user gets one ad per picture frame only and not from flash content. Overcoming this is very easy.

  1. Please enter the Opera browser first and first make sure that Adobe Flash Player is installed on the computer that the user is currently using. If not, please download Adobe Flash Player first.

  2. Next guy opera: // plugins At Address bar. And is directed to the specific plugin settings for the Opera browser.

    How to activate the Adobe Flash Player in the Opera browser

  3. Look for a plugin called Adobe Flash Player and underneath there is definitely an unchecked box. So users can just check the box to enable this flash plugin to make it work properly in Opera.

    How to activate the Adobe Flash Player in the Opera browser

  4. After that, restart the Opera browser and try to open Flash content on the website. Now you certainly don’t have to confirm in order to activate the Flash plug-in and it can be displayed immediately.

After the above method, users can set it again in the privacy settings in Opera in the plugins section so that they want to view Flash content directly or confirm it first. If you want to save data, it is better to confirm first because this flash content is the same as Streaming Video in which the connection continues to flow and the quota can be used up quickly.

If the site on Youtube uses two types of video players, the first is Flash content and the second is HTML5 content. When the user asks which is better, Flash and HTML5? I don’t know and it seems that most of the websites these days are using HTML5, for example movie player sites like Prime videos and Netflix. While this Flash content can usually be used to adjust the video quality in order to start the video on a fairly medium connection. Let’s also read how to install Flash Player on Android

Hopefully useful and good luck